Monday, October 1, 2018

Dying Gasp of Empire?

Parents Are Leery Of Schools Requiring ‘Mental Health’ Disclosures By Students

Children registering for school in Florida this year were asked to reveal some history about their mental health.
The new requirement is part of a law rushed through the state legislature after the February shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla.
On registration forms for new students, the state’s school districts now must ask whether a child has ever been referred for mental health services.
DYI:  Right up front this article from the Kaiser Health News is either way missed informed or something is far more sinister.  As we know or you should know that the Parkland Douglas High School was a mass casualty drill promoted by the Department of Homeland Security Integrated Capstone event that has been reported as real by the main stream press.  In 2012 the Smith – Mundt Act was modernized [repealed] allowing the Federal government to create [outsourced to MSM] sponsored news or more commonly known as PROPAGANDA.  Simply put all of these high profile mass shootings/truck run overs are drills; no one was shot [or run over]; no one was killed or wounded.

To put all of this in perspective it is necessary to go back in time when the Soviet Union collapsed the day after Christmas in 1991 creating a huge power vacuum.  The elites saw an opportunity to fulfill their dream of a one world government [elites in charge of course] all propelled by the remaining super power.  Obviously attempting to sell the American public that we should become the next global tyrant would be seen as anti – American and correctly as EVIL!  So…What was needed to keep military expenditures bloated a new enemy was needed.  The war on terrorism was the first choice as it is open ended thus never ending and not country specific but only generalized geographic areas allowing free reign for a marauding military.  To convince Americans and many Europeans as well the 911 inside job was hatched and the never ending war on terror was born.

Backdrop of Corruption

As with all misguided ventures unintended consequences has once again prevailed.  A global tyrant breeds corruption on a vast scale thus depleting our economy.  Banks who are routinely fined yet never prosecuted for their crimes.  The Medical Industrial Complex that is in continuous criminal violation of three Acts; Robinson-Patman, Clayton, and Sherman Anti-Trust.  Undisclosed spending [no idea where the money went] over the past 20 years for the Housing and Urban Development and the Department of Defense is neither in the millions, nor billions but to the tune of 21 TRILLION DOLLARS!  Along with NASA who put up on their TV channel/web sites one fake space outing after another proving they are a vast bottomless money pit.  Those are the major areas with the so called minor areas of corruption amounts to hundreds of billions annually.

As the economy continues to struggle under the weight of bloated military spending and massive corruption the American public have grown war and corruption weary.  To provide distraction and to clamp down on those who disagree with the government [elites] these faked staged mass shooting events have been used AND to move into the direction of mental health.  This is not just a move into gun control but will be used against political dissidents.  With the development of the decentralized internet the main stream propaganda spewing press can no longer deliver the narrative.  Thus more draconian measure will required to keep the populous under constant control.

History will record this as the last dying gasps of an empire that has depleted its military and expended its treasury through untold levels of corruption attempting to achieve an unattainable goal of world conquest.  This dying process will be along the lines of the Roman’s; a long drawn out process until they completely disappeared.

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