Tuesday, December 11, 2018

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo responded to Monday's arrival of a pair of Tu-160 nuclear-capable bombers in Venezuela by tweeting that "the Russian and Venezuelan people should see this for what it is: two corrupt governments squandering public funds, and squelching liberty and freedom while their people suffer."
DYI:  My God who is calling the kettle black???  Squander money??  Take away freedoms???  Between our Housing Urban & Development and the Department of Defense over the past 21 years these two agencies – cesspools of corruption – cannot account for 21 TRILLION DOLLARS!  That’s right; not million, not billion, but 21 trillion!
Michigan State Economics Professor Mark Skidmore made a stunning discovery late last year. Using publicly available government accounting reports, he revealed there was $21 trillion in what he calls “missing money” from the Department of Defense (DOD) and Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The data he used has been scrubbed, all accounting records are heavily redacted and now the federal government has declared its accounting falls under “national security.” Dr. Skidmore can no longer get the government to respond. Dr. Skidmore explains, “At this point, they are no longer responding to any of my inquiries. They are just not answering, and that is very astounding . . . and you can go on and look at the report yourself and see all of it blacked out. I actually lost sleep over that. That really bothered me.
DYI:  Decade after decade American citizens rights have been systematically eroded away.  Today we live in a corporate/government run fascist state maintained by non stop propaganda pumped out by the main stream press in an attempt to convince the majority of our populous about how glorious the economy is and our vast freedoms.  Nothing could be further from the truth!  Though out the life of this blog; I have posted one article after another; abuses to our citizens by the hands of our Federal controllers. Economy??  Roller coaster economy of massive booms and busts and then has the unmitigated gall spoken by the Federal Reserve that our salvation is a plus 2% inflation rate thus debasing our hard earned savings.  
Image result for inflation rate 1913 to present chart pictures
Till next time!

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