Thursday, December 27, 2018

When you don’t know what is really going on “FOLLOW THE MONEY!

Pacifier for the Delusional?
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This excerpt is from the comment section [St. Funogas] from Mish Talk titled F the Wall.
Imagine if you were in a POW camp in WW II. There is absolutely no penalty for trying to escape. If you get caught, they bring you back, put you back in your barracks, and that’s it. Since there is no penalty for escaping, you’d have to be pretty screwed up in the head to just sit there instead of trying to escape. It’s the same with illegals, except instead of trying to escape; they are trying to get in. There is no penalty to speak of. You get caught; you get deported so you can try again. So a wall is totally useless. As long as there are jobs and welfare here, they are going to keep coming. The reward is far greater than the possible penalty. So don’t blame the illegals. Don’t blame the employers either. They need workers, there is little risk of penalty, so again, and the reward far outweighs the risk. Why is there so little risk? There’s not a single SOB in Washington who wants to fix the “problem”. It has a very cheap, easy fix, yet nobody in government wants to implement it. 
Republicans love illegals because they are good for business. 
Democrats love illegals because they are great for the welfare programs and their children are future Democrat voters. 
Both parties love illegals because illegals pay taxes and they pay into social security. And they never draw that social security back out and very few file tax returns to get their tax rebates. 
It’s a huge win/win for SSA and the IRS. 
In my ten years working with illegals, they all have fake green cards and fake social security cards. They are not paid under the table as most people think. There is no need for that. The employer covers his ass by making copies of the illegal’s credentials just like they do for the legal. It’s not the employer’s responsibility to verify those credentials if the government itself is not willing to verify them. The employer can’t get any other workers (in my field at least) so why should the employer give a rat’s ass about whether their documents are legal or not? When the illegals get their first paycheck, the employer gets a letter back from the SSA saying that the social security number did not match the name. So right off the bat Uncle Sam knows this person is an illegal and does nothing about it. Why would they? That illegal is paying into a fund that is bankrupt and the SSA needs all the money they can get. So again, don’t blame the employer. They’re just trying to run a business using the only workers they can get. 
If anybody in Washington DC wanted to do anything about illegals, they’d have every employer purchase a credit card type machine to do instant E-verify of every worker’s documents. Every welfare office, food stamp office etc., would have the same machines. Last time I crossed back into the USA from Mexico on foot, all the Mexicans ahead of me in line were doing just that, swiping their green cards through a reader before they were waved through. The technology is already in place, yet nobody is doing a thing to get those machines installed in businesses. 
Nobody in Washington wants to fix the “problem” because none of them see it as a problem. Only a few of us “We the People” see it as a problem. But when has the opinion of We the People ever mattered in Washington DC? When things just don’t make sense, check your premises. In this case, the premise that anybody in Washington wants to fix this is clearly a very bogus premise. The Wall is just one more gimmick to pacify the delusional.
DYI:  Totally spot on!  This blogger lived in El Paso, TX from 1980 to 1997 understanding the border dynamics is no stranger.  As long as Mexico and Central American countries remain dirt poor and the U.S. remains wealthy the draw will be irresistible.  Only when there is economic parity such as Canada will illegal migration cease.  Until then both political parties are full in on the employer money game [Republicans] and political power through the welfare state [Democrats].  Politicians from either party listening to “We the People” will not stand a chance.  In my opinion Trump’s wall is nothing more than time killing political theater designed to keep the party going for Democrat’s and Republican interests along with the elites who profit.

There is one huge lesson this commenter has endeared to us:  When you don’t know what is really going on “FOLLOW THE MONEY!

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