Thursday, May 30, 2019

U.S. China Trade War

Image result for map of china autonomous regions
DYI:  Will America win a trade war with China?  I voted for Trump but right out of the gate his unwillingness to take on the medical industrial complex – was on his campaign web site only to disappear when he was elected – has disappointed me greatly.  However when it comes to China we are Saints compared to their government sponsored theft of technology all over the globe.  Huawei Corporation is just one of many Chinese companies working side by side with their respective intelligence gathering agencies stealing technology for multiple decades.

Here’s the low down on U.S. trade war with China.  China’s national business model for modernization is all based on ripping everyone off what happens when nations such as us and others tire of being ripped off??  A trade war takes place and President Xi knows this would eventually happen.  He also knows that his country has blown a debt bubble that makes our Federal Reserve out to be pikers.  Combine their debt bubble and placing of tariffs China is in for one hell of an economic fall and President Xi knows that as well.

The original question is will we survive and win a trade war?  Contrary to many web sites and other bloggers that the next 1930’s is just around the corner the answer is hell no.  The percentage of our GDP from Chinese imports is only 15%.  If that went to zero there are other nations to import from or could be produced domestically.   Stopping the theft by at least not allowing them to prosper from our consumers is a big first step.  Not only will we win; we will survive as well.

The real question that should be asked will China survive as a nation?

The Chinese economic debt bubble smash will arrive faster with a trade war that China cannot win.  China is actually not a nation as most people envision but that of an empire held together by bribes and when needed brute force.  Their autonomous regions for decades desired to breakaway from China.  Tibet the most notable in the main stream press along with the north western regions being Muslim having nothing in common with eastern Chinese plus in the south Guangxi is far friendlier with China’s arch rival Vietnam.  If the smash is worse than our great depression it would come as no surprise to see their eastern seaboard from Shanghai to Hong Kong running back into the arms of the British.


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