Thursday, July 16, 2020

Ending the Lockdowns!

ON WEARING MASKS AND OTHER ILLEGAL ORDERS: I am recommending hiring attorneys to everyone now. There are a million easy lawsuits just waiting to be won, and possibly some serious money to be taken. Class action or single. Line up a lawyer first, then get arrested on purpose at the store of your choice, preferably a food market, spend a few hours in jail, then sue the store, the police dept, the city, and the state for Civil Rights violations, malice, pain and suffering, attempted starvation, harassment and court costs. If you are a good debater, represent yourself. 
Courts in several states have already ruled these executive orders are null and void [including the Supreme Court of Wisconsin and a Circuit Court in Illinois], so you have precedent. 
The only thing that is going to end this madness is the filing of hundreds of thousands of these lawsuits. 
Once enough are filed, the US Supreme Court will be forced to hear one of these cases, and it will all be history. You might even make the history books.
Trying to make laws via executive orders is highly illegal and unConstitutional, even when an emergency has been declared. Executive orders are legal only for the first two weeks of a crisis, after which the state or national legislature is supposed to pass laws either backing up the executive orders or striking them down. This is because laws have to be passed by legislatures, which were created for that purpose. Presidents and Governors don't make laws, they execute them. Meaning, they make sure the laws are enforced. But the people who own the world don't like obeying these rules, since it is easier for them to rule you via the executive branch. There are far fewer people involved, hence fewer people to pay off, and you don't need to worry about majorities. If you rule through a governor you just rule by fiat. Meaning, you rule by just saying it. No legislatures have to meet and vote on it.
More limited lawsuits have also been filed by churches, gun shops, and other businesses and individuals, and in many instances the courts have ruled in favor of the plaintiffs. Meaning, the judges have agreed that governors are far overstepping their authority in closing businesses, locking people down, and interfering with people's Constitutional rights to assembly and trade. More and more lawsuits are being filed by the day (though still not enough). 
You may also tell your friend that sheriff's departments all over the country are refusing to enforce their governors' orders, knowing they are unConstitutional. 
Many police departments are doing the same. Some are quietly refusing to enforce, while others are admitting it openly, but it is happening nationwide. The rare times these orders are being enforced is by State Police, and we may assume they are owned by the same people making the orders. State Police are also more tightly linked to FBI and CIA, so State Police are under far more pressure to play along. 
In addition, many practicing doctors and nurses are going public, the least bold admitting that facemasks are not only unnecessary, but detrimental to health; 
and the most bold admitting that Covid numbers are being finessed, fudged, or totally manufactured.
This sort of rule is too close to monarchy. If you are going to rule that way, you might as well just have Kings and forget about legislatures. Which is why the US created the Constitution in the first place. Early citizens were tired of being pushed around by Kings. They preferred to elect people to represent them, which is why we call the elected legislators representatives.

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