Thursday, September 12, 2024

Looming Recession...Fed's Lowers Rates...Will Residential Real Estate Prices Expand or Contract?



Real Estate Bubble?

All Matrixes Say YES! 

Average Annual Growth Rate 4.28% since 1988 for homes

CPI Average Annual Inflation 1988 to 2024 is 2.75%

$150,000 + 2.75% = $399,000

Case-Shiller Home Price today is $707,499

Cost above general rate of inflation is $308,499

Median Home Price to Medial U.S. Income

Price ($150,000) to Income ($34,017) in 1988 is 4.41 times income

Price ($707,499) to Income ($64,240) in 2024 is 11.01 times income!

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