Monday, September 9, 2024



I Like

Dave Ramsey!

Dave Ramsey gets a lot of criticism from the more "sophisticated" side of the business/entrepreneur/investing community, who say that Dave's methods are too cookie cutter, too basic, not fast enough, etc. All they see is what's on the surface. But the important thing to remember is that Dave Ramsey is trying to take very advanced topics (building wealth, investing, etc.) and distill them down to a basic formula that the average person can understand.

The "financially savvy" people who criticize Dave seem to forget that the majority of the population is not financially savvy.

But when you peel back the curtain, you begin to realize that Dave is a world class businessman, entrepreneur, and investor. He just doesn't always show that side of him, because most people aren't built for that lifestyle, nor do they want that level of responsibility.

For the average person, avoiding debt and shoving their money into untouchable accounts is the best chance they have of building wealth. Much of Dave's audience can't even handle their credit card debt, and yet these "savvy" people on YouTube seem to think that such a person should take on MORE debt and manage a leveraged real estate portfolio.

People say that Dave is out of touch, but really his critics are out of touch.

The guy is a freaking genius and knows exactly what he's doing. Overall, Dave is performing a noble service to society by helping people gain control of their money and have some sense of sovereignty over their lives.

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