Tuesday, October 18, 2016

The Wall Street Fraud That Can Change The Outcome Of The Election

Wall Street issues $70 billion dollars in fraudulent bonds.  The rating agencies issued unjustified credit ratings for these bonds and the banks knowingly sold these faulty bonds to the American people in all 50 states.  The bonds defaulted and American’s lost tens of billions. 
What American’s don’t know is that both the Congress and the Senate were fully aware of all this fraud. Instead of prosecuting those responsible, Congress passed legislation (PROMESAstripping all innocent bond holders of their legal rights while prohibiting any lawsuits against the parties who issued these bonds.
According to one of the millions of victims, Commercial Solar Power the FBI and the SEC attended their press conference listing all of these acts of fraud and now have active investigations exploring these allegations. 
The list of participating banks looks like Hillary Clinton’s paid speech list while Paul Ryan reversed course after receiving $213,000 from Wall Street firms and voted for the PROMESA legislation. There are no innocent politicians on this one. 
DYI Comments:  This will have very little to do with the election as a majority of Americans are unaware of this particular fraud.  However it is just another ongoing crime wave by the big banks. Unfortunately, as with all criminals, they never know when to quit as their misdeeds will increase proportionally to the amount times they are relieved from prosecution.  Eventually a scam will be so big the entire system will be brought to it knees churning up a massive U.S. depression.  This is the direction I see us heading.  If Hillary becomes President Wall Street will go into hyper drive with one scam after another.  If Trump wins I'm hoping he will be pushed into trust busting the top 25 largest banks and go after the top executives for fraud.

The Link Below a One Hour Video 
Detailing this Massive Fraud


Wall Street Fraud

Political Corruption


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