Friday, October 28, 2016

Venezuela crisis enters dangerous phase as Maduro foes go militant

CARACAS (Reuters) - In a curious convergence of events on the same day last week, four Venezuelan provincial courts issued identical rulings, state governors quickly hit Twitter to celebrate, then the election board emailed a short but bombshell statement. 
Opposition hopes for a referendum to recall President Nicolas Maduro were dashed, on grounds of fraud in an initial signature drive. The vote was off. 
DYI Quick Comment:  What total B.S. Maduro knows that with a honest election he is gone. Socialism does not work and how many times does it have to be proved?
For many in the opposition, that settled a years-old debate about the nature of Venezuela's socialist government, uniting them in conviction they are now fighting a dictatorship. 
Their new militancy heightens the risk of unrest as the South American OPEC member of 30 million people grapples with a dangerous economic and political crisis. 
"Can anyone in the world now really doubt that Venezuela is living in tyranny?" said housewife Mabel Pinate, 62, dressed in white among thousands of protesters who took to the streets against Maduro on Wednesday.
DYI:  The country is in ruins with Maduro the worst type of Socialist - the true believer - Venezuela will only degrade further.  I stated in an early post this would happen somewhere between now and the next two years.  A revolution civil war will arrive soon to this beleaguered country we can only hope liberty will prevail.


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