Monday, May 29, 2017


The Federal Reserve Is Destroying America

Perhaps I should start with a disclaimer of sorts. Yes, I realize that the people working at the Federal Reserve, as well as the other central banks around the world, are just people.  Like the rest of us, they have egos, fears, worries, hopes, and dreams. I'm sure pretty much all of them go home each night believing they are basically good and caring individuals, doing important work. 
But they're destroying America.  They might have good intentions, but they are working with bad models. Ones that lead to truly horrible outcomes. 
One of the chief failings of central banks is that they are slaves to an impossible idea; the notion that humans are free to pursue perpetual exponential economic growth on a finite planet.  To be more specific: central banks are actually in the business of promoting perpetual exponential growth of debt.  
But since growth in credit drives growth in consumption, the two are concepts are so intimately linked as to be indistinguishable from each other.  They both rest upon an impossibility.  Central banks are in the business of sustaining the unsustainable which is, of course, an impossible job. 

How The Fed Gives Billions Of US Taxpayer Money To Foreign Banks

Out of many truly maddening sins committed by the Fed, perhaps the most glaring of late is its practice of handing billions and billions of dollars of US taxpayer money to big foreign banks. 
The summary of the video is this: the Fed is now paying interest on so-called ‘excess reserves’ held at the Fed. 
Those 'excess reserves' include a huge chunk of money held there by foreign banks who are only too happy to receive 1% on their holdings from the Fed given that their own central banks are paying 0%, or even negative rates. 
The money that the Fed pays these foreign banks is deducted from the amount remitted to the US Treasury at the end of each fiscal year. 
It’s this simple: 
Foreign banks are being paid billions of US taxpayer dollars and not one single person in the US got to vote for or approve of that action.
Make America Great
Institutional Change
1.)   End the Federal Reserve
2.)   Repeal 17th Amendment – Reinstate Federal Senators chosen by State Legislators.
1. Term Limits – Constitutional Amendment
A. Two six year terms for Senators
B. Three terms House of Representatives
3.)   Repeal 16th Amendment – Income tax replace with value added tax.
4.)   Pass the Balanced Budget Amendment
5.)   Exit the United Nations
6.)   Reign in the Medical Industrial Complex
a. Enforce Anti-Trust Laws
b. Pass Legislation for re-importation of ethical drugs
7.)   End Federal and Private Student Loans

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