Wednesday, May 10, 2017


Venezuela Coming Undone: Maduro Wants New Constitution

Another crack opened in the wall supporting Marxist dictator Nicolas Maduro’s (shown) administration: On Monday Major General Miguel Rodriguez Torres, who ran Maduro’s intelligence service until he was fired in 2014, said his country is moving toward civil war: “We’re seeing much larger masses protesting across all major cities, including the working-class neighborhoods. The government is losing control.” He added: 
What could be the final straw is Maduro’s call for a special assembly to redraft the country’s constitution. This is drawing fire from Maduro’s usual supporters as it would mean tossing the constitution drafted during Marxist Hugo Chavez’s regime, which Chavez said would last for “centuries.” It’s also invigorating protesters who see that Maduro’s demand for a new constitution will essentially make him a dictator for life. Maduro himself would pick the constituents who would elect the new assembly’s representatives. 
It’s also a sign of desperation. Last week Maduro took his country out of the Organization for American States (OAS) to keep them from ousting him first. China, which has bailed out Maduro to the tune of $60 billion, is now refusing to extend his regime any new financing. 
Medical care is so poor that pregnant mothers are crossing the border into Colombia and Brazil to give birth there. The average Venezuelan has lost 20 pounds owing to food shortages caused by Maduro’s price controls and rationing. 
He ordered the takeover of General Motors’ assembly plant last month, and the country’s bonds have been “priced for default” for months. He has driven the state-owned oil producer, PDVSA, into the ground by replacing its 16,000 skilled employees and operators with his political cronies who have little if any experience in running the enterprise. 
Further evidence of growing violent dissatisfaction is the toppling and defacing of statues of Chavez, Maduro’s mentor. In Villa del Rosario in western Venezuela, flammable fluid was thrown onto a statue of Chavez and then was set aflame. As the statue melted (it was made of plastic), crowds from this generally pro-Maduro town, pulled it down and dragged it into the street.

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