Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Medical Industrial Complex
Tyranny Reigns Supreme!

Why Is An Appendectomy In The United States 10 Times More Expensive Than An Appendectomy In Mexico?

This is what can happen when you go to a socialized healthcare system.  A lot of people out there believe that the United States has a free market healthcare system, but that is actually not true.  The percentage of the population that receives government-subsidized healthcare is rapidly approaching 50 percent, and the healthcare industry may be the most heavily regulated sector of the entire U.S. economy.  
Every year the rules, red tape and regulations seem to get even worse, and every year health insurance premiums rise much faster than the overall rate of inflation.  If we don’t start applying free market principles and start getting healthcare costs under control, our entire healthcare system could very easily implode.
This is yet another example that shows that Obamacare has got to go and that we need to get government out of the healthcare business. 
We once had the greatest healthcare system in the history of the world, and we can do it again if we will just return to free market principles.  Elections really matter, and we simply cannot allow the Democrats and the establishment Republicans to take us even further down the road of socialized medicine.
Michael Snyder of Economic Collapse blog misses one gigantic problem with U.S. healthcare prices.  They’ve been exploding way before Obama Care was put into place.
Image result for % of health care U.S. economy chart pictures

No doubt Obama Care has made matters worse and needs to be repealed along with removal of subsidies as Michael indicated in his article.  The big miss is this industry has been for decades colluding in order to price fix and now has moved from local to forming regional MONOPOLIES.  Prices have sky rocketed.  What needs to be done does not require Congressional action as two of these three laws have been on the books for over 100 years – Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890…ClaytonAct of 1914…Robinson Patman Act of 1936 all designed to take on the robber barons during the Gilded Age. 

Donald Trump put out a tweet stating these health care companies – and imply the rest of corporate America as well – will comply with these three acts IMMEDIATELY or prosecutions will commence within a fortnight.  This would be the tweet that was heard around the world.  After two weeks (fortnight) those who believe this to be only political theater – especially among the worst offenders who are the easiest to prosecute – high profile arrests need to occur and prosecuted 

The Medical Industrial Complex would get the message…War has been declared that monopolies along with their price fixing days are finished.  Competition will reign supreme.  This would be one hell of fight but if maintained costs would drop by 75% - that’s not a typo – 75%!  Add on in the pharmaceutical industry the repeal to allow reimportation of ethical drugs those costs would plummet by 50% to 85% depending on the newness of the drug.

This would cause a short term – about 2 year in length nasty depression – that’s right depression.  Currently health care consumes 20% of our economy these policies would drop costs back to around 5%.  This would result in a major contraction of the economy as dollars would plunge precipitously from health care with a two year lag as those monies are redirected into other industries.  Once this movement of dollars began growth in the generalized economy would be far more robust.  Start busting up the banks along with doing away with the Federal Reserve – a blogger is allowed to dream – economic growth would sizzle at the 4% to 5% real growth rate.  But alas it appears Trump has no stomach for such a fight for if he did he would have enforced these acts immediately having the downturn well behind him going into reelection.

The status quo is reigning supreme over the Medical Industrial Complex.  If Trump seeks reelection this industry will consume 25% to 27% of the economy dragging growth slower and slower as health care costs and associated insurance premiums continue their meteor price increases, with or without Obama Care.  So far I see absolutely no traction any where – private or government – for real free enterprise solutions.  More over the top cronyism.  Sorry to be so negative…It is what it is! 

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