Friday, December 8, 2017

Robert Mueller’s investigation of the Trump administration confirms the overarching power of the national-security establishment section of the federal government and what happens when a president bucks that power. No, there is no war going on between Russia and the United States, at least not in the shooting and bombing sense. This war is a repeat of the old Cold War that began after World War II, when U.S. officials decreed that America’s World War II partner and ally, the Soviet Union (whose principal member was Russia), was now to be considered an official enemy by the American people. 
Central to any national-security state is the need for official enemies, ones that are used to frighten and agitate the citizenry. If there are no official enemies, the American citizenry might begin asking some discomforting questions: What do we need a national-security state for? Why not abolish the CIA and dismantle the military-industrial complex and the NSA. Why can’t we have our limited-government, constitutional republic back? 
From 1945–1989, Russia (i.e., the Soviet Union) and the communists served that function well. They were coming to get us, U.S. officials said. Communist Cuba was their dagger, they maintained. The dominoes were in danger of falling, beginning in Korea and Vietnam. The military, the State Department, and Hollywood were filled with communists. Martin Luther King and the civil rights movement were Fifth Columnists, ready to lead the way to a communist takeover of the federal government. The U.S. Communist Party and the Fair Play for Cuba Committee were agents of the international communist conspiracy to take over the world. Voters in Latin America were electing self-proclaimed socialists and communists to public office. The United States itself was moving in a socialist direction, as manifested by the adoption of Social Security.
The author Jacob Hornberger is correct the shadow government needs the big bad boogey man for the elite’s Military Industrial Complex can spend, spend, and spend making billions.  Don’t have enemies.  Conjure them up out of thin air; then bomb the hell out of the latest “enemy” until the people being bombed become so enraged they become “real enemies!”  Of course notice that the wars since WWII are with countries that have zero capability of bringing death and mayhem to our shores.  North Korea has figured this out if you give up your nukes highly likely you will be attacked all for the profit of the elite’s Military Industrial Complex.  Have nukes and a delivery system you get respect and don’t get bombed.  Simple as that!

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