Wednesday, December 20, 2017


U.N. official: wealth inequality, poverty destroying 'American dream'

The entire article by United Press International (UPI) only mentioning the symptoms not once even speculating regarding the causes such as the Federal Reserve, legality of taxes on income, excessive regulations, unconstitutional agencies, big government married to big business, marauding criminal behavior, and a war economy since 911.

The Federal Reserve – it is not federal but private and has zero reserves – was designed from day one to benefit the elites.  A fantastic book describing the how’s and why’s of the Fed is The Creaturefrom Jekyll Island written in everyday language without charts or any math yet describing and explaining completely with entertaining prose.  My latest copy is in its 5th edition and 39th printing; author G. Edward Griffin has single handedly informed and aspired more Americans – in the effort to do away with this devilish private company – than any other writers or commentators combined.

Along the same vein of the Federal Reserve; XVI amendment passed by Congress July 2, 1909 and ratified by the States on February 3, 1913 legalizing the taxing of income(s).  This paved the way for the Federal Reserve passed into law on December 23, 1913 to shift from cash and gold based to an economy driven by debt thus benefiting the elites who own the money centered banks.  These two events are the hand and glove; as the Federal, State, or local governments borrow money the biggest purchasers of this debt is the New York City banks – the elites – thus a portion of your taxes – in service of the debt – going into the hands of the richest families in the world.  A scam of biblical proportion! 

What is required is the obvious – close the Federal Reserve and repeal by constitutional amendment the taxing of incomes.  The Treasury once again produces debt free based currency backed up by convertibility payable by our government in gold and silver.  Plus allow by law the payment of both private and public debts – subject to current market convertibility – any other nation’s currency as well.  This would create a thriving competitive market place holding the wealth of our citizen’s earnings and no more complicated before the European Union with their various currencies.  With today’s technology this would be handled easily and seamlessly.

Excessive regulations, unconstitutional agencies, all contribute to the galloping growth of the Federal government that is now joined at the hip with big business.  Revolving door as government regulators move effortlessly from business to the government that is regulating has fashioned and conceived a hot bed of marauding criminal behavior.  Exemplified and outright showcased by the banks who are repeatedly fined – but no one ever goes to prison immoral revolving door of corporate to government.  Arresting, prosecuting, and imprisoning a possible fellow employee is one hell of damper of securing a high paying corporate job after leaving government service.

What is required – easy to say; staggering in its effort to achieve – is two fold will inspire those on the left and right politically.  The left and rightfully so, see’s big business as an impediment to good government and the right equally see’s big government as an obstruction to a growing economy.  Both are correct.  They feed off of each other benefitting both to the determent of the public by subjecting the populous to high taxes supporting big government and by big business significantly reduces a competitive market place for goods, services AND EMPLOYEES.  The monopolistic corporations need to be trust busted just as Theodore Roosevelt did in his time AND major government agencies need to be dissolved thwarting and limiting the collusive nature of big business and big government.

Wars of perpetuity must end.  The war on terror is a ginned up fantasy all to the benefit of the Military Industrial Complex.  The majority of Americans now know that the 911 Commission Report is a complete fraud in its effort to place blame on others – false flag – when our own government – along with the help of the Israeli Mossad – killing close to 3,000 innocents.  Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Lebanon, and now mission creep in Syria with war drums beating over North Korea as well.  How do we end this?  The answer is simple load up our men and women plus their equipment and LEAVE.  That is what we did in Vietnam and that is what we need to do for all of these countries as well.  This isn’t soft on defense only going to war for real reasons not fabrications only to benefit owners – elites – of the Military Industrial Complex.  And it goes without saying a perpetual war footing sucks the lifeblood out of the civilian economy.

'Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.'

This list is far from complete but hopefully highlights major battles that need to be won in our efforts to restore the Republic to a nation of laws based upon tried and true morals creating a backdrop of ethics and values any everyday citizen understands and is willing to rally behind. What we have today is a rule of men – Trillionaire Elites – as they battle for dominance over America with psychopathic ambitions to outright rule, conquer, and subjugate the world’s population into a corporate/government feudal state.

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