Monday, November 26, 2018


The Coming Bankruptcy of the American Empire

The United States’ national debt is approaching $22 trillion with a current federal budget deficit of over $800 billion. As Senator Rand Paul often points out, bankruptcy is the Sword of Damocles hanging perilously close to Uncle Sam’s neck. Outside of a handful of libertarian gadflies in Congress such as Paul, there is no serious political movement to curb the country’s wayward spending. It would take some upset of multiple times greater magnitude than Donald Trump’s 2016 victory to alter this course. 
Is bankruptcy possible? As some Beltway economists remind us, no. Technically the government has the power to artificially create as many dollars as it needs to pay its debts. But this kind of hyper-inflation would deprive the U.S. dollar of any value and tank the global economy that trades with it. Simple failure to pay back our debt might even be a better scenario that such an inflationary hellscape. 
When the world loses confidence in the American government’s ability to pay its debt, or the interest rate on our debt becomes unsustainably high, choices will have to be made. No more kicking the can down the road, no more 10-year projections to balance the budget. Congress, in a state of emergency, will have to take a buzzsaw to appropriations. And the empire will be the first thing to go. 
Just like its warfare state, the government’s welfare state has plenty of internal calamities. 
But while it might be the preference of some megalomaniacal globalists to let the proles starve while preserving overseas holdings, it’s not going to happen. 
What would transpire if Social Security checks stopped showing up in mailboxes and Medicare benefits got cut off? 
When presented with that choice, will the average American choose his social safety net or continued funding for far-flung bases in Stuttgart, Okinawa, and Djibouti? 
Even the most militaristic congressperson will know which way to vote, lest they find a mob waiting outside their D.C. castles.
 DYI:  The days of the American Empire are waning however make no mistake significant more international mischief will continue to be sought over the years until the last gasp of world domination expires.  As our federal debt [along with many of our States] continues its upward trajectory into oblivion the choice will be either guns or butter doing both will no longer be an option.  What level of debt to GDP when the choice between Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, versus the deep state military industrial complex is unattainable for both?  Obviously that is a question economist’s have been postulating since the turn of the new century.  Will it be 125%, 150%, over 200% debt to GDP? Tough to say where world empire begins its collapse.  Of course the military industrial complex will fight this to the bitter end as their budgets stall and then shrink depriving them of years gone past of easy increasing revenues and profits.  What can be said America’s global domination’s has peaked and entered the beginning of its decline.

Bolton to meet with Brazil’s far-right elected leader next week. Mission? To confront Cuba

President Donald Trump’s National Security Adviser John Bolton will meet next week with Brazil’s President-elect Jair Bolsonaro to discuss a regional strategy in confronting Cuba and Venezuela.
 DYI:  Cuba??  Let’s get serious and use some common sense when it comes to Cuba.  Who run’s Cuba – for better or worse – the answer is and has been for decades the United States.  That’s right folk’s the good old U S of A.  The Castro boys were in the hip pocket of the CIA from day one doing the bidding of our economic elites.    
Image result for map of cuba pictures
The Caribbean has been under America’s control over a hundred years.  Of course the first thing that comes to mind is the Cuban missile crises a staged hoaxed event benefiting the armaments manufacturers of Russia and the United States/U.K. bringing to boil the Cold War.

Confronting Venezuela is simply a ruse as Maduro is also in the hip pocket of the U.S.  It’s all about oil.  Below is what Rice Farmer a news search service had to say:
The intent is not so much "freedom and prosperity" as it is to achieve US hegemony over Cuba and Venezuela, and their economies and resources. In particular, the US — which has exhausted most of its conventional oil resources and has been reduced to drilling for junk oil — is salivating over Venezuela's plentiful oil reserves.
This connects with the decline of the American Empire this act of desperation to lock up cheap – and close proximity – oil reserves.

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