Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Since John Hussman has gone political his post is now under the guidance of the "Fair Use Doctrine!"

Goes Political
January 30, 2017

On Governance
John P. Hussman, Ph.D.
Those who aspire to “right speech” often measure their words with four questions: Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary? Is it the right time? Right speech should not escalate conflict, but it doesn’t retreat from necessary truth, and criticisms don’t always seem kind. The question of right speech is the question of how one might best serve others. Criticism with the intent to offend is not constructive, but silence is equally detrimental when it quietly endorses a pattern of offense, or encourages the silence of others.
DYI:  Further on in your post you make it very clear you are talking about President Trump there is no doubt the new Potus is very direct stripping away a bit of civility and political correctness.  This is not the time for a lecture on manners or civil discourse as President Trump fires back his response bypassing through social media the main stream press who have been caught flat out lying (but with wonderful civility) pumping out massive amounts of PROPAGANDA!
Those of you who have followed my work over the decades know that I look at the world holistically in terms of the interconnection and responsibility we have toward others, and I’ve never been much for separating “business” from those larger values. After all, most of my income regularly goes to charity, and nearly everything that remains follows our own investment discipline. Whether my comments on matters like peace, civility, economic policy or governance are well-received or not (and I'm grateful that they have been over the years), there are moments when one has the responsibility to speak if one has a voice.

DYI:  This blogger has followed your posts for over a decade and yes you have made pleas as if you were a Miss American contestant who only wants world peace!  Well golly gee John, so do I and along with everyone else.  Over this period of time have you mentioned in any detail President Obama’s [whatever his real name is?] escalation of war in the Middle East despite his Noble Peace Prize?  If you have I must have missed it despite reading your blog religiously.

Think I’m being one sided by only picking on Democrats.  Think again.  President Chaney - I mean President Bush and the 9-11-2001 attacks.  Any critical thinking American such as yourself when the second plane (there were NO planes!) was “absorbed” into the South Tower negating Sir Isaac Newton’s third law of motion.  Immediately an analytical and critical thinking American would be highly suspicious on that fateful day.  Yet I’ve never heard (video) nor read anything from you.     
Our country faces many legitimate political disagreements. There are segments of America that view government as too bureaucratic, see foreign trade as a source of job insecurity, value national security as a priority, believe that each country has the right to a national identity, and feel that even a nation of immigrants has limits on the pace at which it can assimilate new citizens. They feel that their interests have been subordinated to an elitist philosophy that presumes that regulation is always beneficial, and that government always knows best. We can engage honestly and in good faith about those concerns, even where we disagree. Political issues like that are best settled not by insulting each other, but by openly expressing and listening to the values and concerns of each, and constructing solutions where each side might concede or trade various lower priorities, so that both can achieve their higher ones.
DYI:  Again your major concern is to have Donald learn a bit of manners.  Yet during the Obama’s administration we’ve had a bevy of fake shootings as exampled by Sandy Hook only to TERRORIZE the American public into accepting further gun control laws all based upon DECIET!  Manners trumps (sorry about the pun) deceit?
Or going back into history during the Nixon administration that authorized the fabricated moon landings all for positive propaganda in an attempt to bolster his failing Presidency.  He wasn’t called Tricky Dick for nothing!  And your biggest concerns are manners as NASA and their contractors ripped off the tax payers for BILLIONS??
 (1.) There is no changing the outcome of what was already a dismal choice for many Americans, but we can insist on rejecting a model of uncivil behavior. It is unworthy of emulating for ourselves, much less for our children. To minimize detestable behavior is essentially to condone it. (2.)It is the refuge of cowards to defend obvious offenses by deconstructing them (“He wasn’t belittling a disabled person. See? He’s waving his hands while belittling this person too”),(3.)or to condone predatory behavior toward women by diffusing responsibility (“Yeah, but that other guy was also a predator”). Our intolerance for such a tireless pattern of offense shouldn’t depend on our race, or gender, or ability, or political views, even among those who view the man as a means to achieve political ends. 
DYI:  As Ronald Reagan once said in his debate with Jimmy Carter “Here we go again!”  In sales there is saying "sell the sizzle not the steak."  To ask anyone to simply stand there and not respond to known liars (the steak) and allow it to pass meekly (the sizzle) is beyond comprehension whether the individual is disabled or not.

As to the audio tape with his locker room conversation it was highly edited.  John you need to get with the newest of technologies where hearing and seeing is no longer believable.  What Trump was saying that since he became a billionaire celebrity woman would throw themselves at him.  This is part and parcel for celebrities – women or men including professional athletes.
With regard to international relations, the intentional provocation of both allies and trading partners is of deep concern. One might allow a generous interpretation that these provocations are intended to create new bargaining chips for use in trade negotiations (e.g. insulting Mexico, taunting China about Taiwan and the South China Sea). Yet even setting offenses aside, the associated protectionism is misguided economics, particularly at this point in the economic cycle. Given U.S. labor demographics, even a 4% unemployment rate in 2024 would bring average annual civilian employment growth to just 0.4% annually in the coming 8 years, while a 6% unemployment rate would place intervening job growth at just 0.2% annually. All other economic growth will rely on productivity growth (output per worker). The primary determinant on that front will be growth in U.S. gross domestic investment (GDI). Because of savings-investment dynamics, steep reductions in the trade deficit have always been associated with a collapse in U.S. GDI growth. Put simply, this new trade strategy courts recession or worse. That’s particularly true given a speculative financial bubble resulting from Federal Reserve’s misguided dogma that zero interest rates would bring prosperity without consequence. We now face the third financial collapse since 2000 (more data on that below).
DYI:  Despite all of the promises these trade deals have been a disaster for America’s common man.  Our industrial base has been gutted.  The latest trade proposal TPP would have made these mega corporations tax free entities AND their owner/managers exempt from prosecution.  Along with any country that places regulations on these corporations they can sue for lost profits.  Heads they win and tail’s you lose!  There is no moral basis for this treaty as it is nothing more than a con job all done in secret! 
 Meanwhile, we should recognize that foreign provocation has also been used around the world, and throughout history, as a strategy to expand domestic control. This often takes the form of “emergency powers.” Given the man’s clear aspiration to accrue and exercise authority, we shouldn’t naively ignore that potential. (1.) Recalling James Madison, “If tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will be under the guise of fighting a foreign enemy. The means of defense against a foreign danger historically have become the instruments of tyranny at home.” (2.) We have a leader that talks of the benefits of foreign plunder and the virtues of torture, yet we don’t recognize the seeds of despotism? Oh, that’s right, because we’re talking about the “enemy.” 
DYI:  You are absolutely correct!  Where were you when Bush Jr. pulled off 9-11 so America could go galloping off to war AND the creation of the secret police called Home Land Security? And as previously mentioned Obama’s faked shootings to harbor additional gun control along with his ramping up of wars all across the Mideast; you are day late and dollar short!    Plus Obama and Hillary Clinton with all of their rhetoric attempting to gin up a new cold war with Russia; where were you?  Oh I know Obama/Clinton stated their convictions in a very civil manner in an attempt to fleece the American taxpayers out billions to fund the military industrial complex.

I’ve mentioned many times in my blog about my deep disagreement with Trump’s statement “to the victor go the spoils.”  Nations around the world will not respect us they will only fear us especially those with natural resources up to and including Russia.  It is an insane proposal that could easily lead to world war - that will arrive on our shores - with deaths approaching a billion worldwide as nuclear and directed energy weapons are deployed.    
A final concern relates to the separation of powers and the relationship between the express will of the People and the actions of the Executive. 
(1.) When the founders of this nation established the separation of powers in the U.S. Constitution, they were serious about it.  
(2.)Over time, through lack of vigilance, the public has allowed this separation to be undermined, to the point where people hardly recognize when violations occur.  
(3.) Here is a reminder. Article I Section I places all legislative powers with Congress. 
(4.) Article I Section 7 provides that all bills for raising revenue originate in the House of Representatives, which are then amended by the Senate. 
(5.) Article I Section 8 provides that only Congress has the power to declare war. Article I Section 9 provides that no money may be spent that is not pursuant to a law enacted by Congress.
DYI:  Bingo John – a direct hit – spot on!  I’ve been saying this for years glad to have you aboard to restoring the constitution.  At least toward the end of the post you leave us with a bit of hope; and regretfully despair as our nation loses its constitutional bearings.  It must be emphasized these abuses have all been enjoyed by both Democrats and Republicans.  Fraud, deceit, and constitutional abuse are now institutionalized.  The only way our country will end this tyranny is when the American public discovers our founding fathers checks and balances given to us in our most precious document the constitution!        

Friday, January 27, 2017

US stocks are now the most overpriced since the 2000 crash.

Similarly, the cyclically-adjusted Price/Earnings ratio of the US stock market is now at its highest level since the 2000 crash, and higher than it was before the 2008 crash. 
If North America stands out by way of high valuations, for example, Japan stands out by way of low and attractive ones.
Graph: Japan has more net cash balances than other regions

Whereas the balance sheets of US companies are groaning with years of accumulated debt, Japanese balance sheets are the healthiest in the world, and they are awash with cash to give back to their shareholders. 
Japan is very enticing to value investors, and it’s a great example of how looking abroad and expanding your thinking to the entire world can yield very compelling results.
Detain, Convict, Incarcerate
A Crime is Committed?

Chicago Police DepartmentSpecial Order S10-06
ISSUE DATE:20 July 2015EFFECTIVE DATE:20 July 2015
INDEX CATEGORY:Gang and Narcotic Abatement
This directive:
  • A.continues the Chicago Police Department's Targeted Repeat-Offender Apprehension and Prosecution (T.R.A.P) Program implemented in conjunction with the Cook County State's Attorney's Office and the Chicago Police Department.
  • B.defines members responsibilities for identifying and processing T.R.A.P. offenders.
The criminal activities of street gangs pose a substantial threat to the safety and quality of life of the residents of Chicago. Offenders have been identified because of their criminal history, propensity for violence, and the involvement in narcotics distribution. The primary goal of T.R.A.P. is focused on enhanced prosecution to detain, convict, and incarcerate these offenders before they commit further crimes of violence.

DYI:  At first I thought this was a hoax from an article linking this program. So I went directly to the Chicago police web site and lo and behold this is real. It is also old news as the alternative news media has been reporting on this insanity along with the destruction of the 4th - 5th - and 8th amendments [Bill of Rights] to the constitution.

How could any Judge be a party to this is beyond me.  Obviously the corruption is wide and deep.  Along with some Judges who actually think they are making a difference.  A difference for sure the destruction of our Bill of Rights.

I'm not soft on crime, not by a long shot, but when you are detaining, arresting, and incarcerating individuals who have NOT committed a crime but the believe they will soon is beyond believe.  Yet Chicago is doing just that. 

The 8th amendment comes to mind along with a bit of sarcasm.

Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. 

The sarcasm?  Unusual punishments inflicted?  This is unusual as you are being punished for a crime that has not been committed.
  • A.District Commanders will select up to five individuals to insert into the T.R.A.P. list.

    DYI:  Quota requirement.
  • B.District Commanders will normally select individuals from the below listed factors, but are not limited to this listing:
    • 1.Gang Affiliation,
    • 2.U.U.W. Arrest History,
    • 3.Convicted Felon,
    • 4.Victim of a Shooting,

      DYI:  Victims are now the new criminals???
    • 5.Role within the Gang,
    • 6.On Parole,
    • 7.Violent Crime History,
    • 8.Propensity for Violence,
    • 9.Strategic Subject List Membership,
    • 10.Affiliation with Other Gang Members.
  • C.The T.R.A.P. Program, developed with the cooperation of the Cook County State's Attorney's Office (CCSAO), allows the Department and the State's Attorney's Office to work together to identify repeat offenders with the high propensity toward violent, gang-related crime.
  • D.T.R.A.P. individuals are subject to possible enhanced prosecution pending the review by the Cook County State's Attorney's Office.
  • A.District Commanders will ensure up to five individuals are selected and placed on the T.R.A.P. list. Those selections will then be sent to the Bureau of Patrol. District Commanders can provide justification at any time to the Bureau of Patrol to change the T.R.A.P. list selections.
    District Commanders will at minimum check their T.R.A.P. individuals quarterly and update the list as necessary.
  • B.Bureau of Patrol will ensure the individual list received from the District Commanders are eligible to be placed on the T.R.A.P. list. Bureau of Patrol will monitor that list for efficiency, post the list to the Bureau of Patrol website and then send the list to the Deployment Operations Section.
  • C.Deployment Operations Section will ensure that the individual list received from the Bureau of Patrol is confirmed and entered into the Strategic Subject List (SSL) Dashboard as T.R.A.P. eligible.
  • D.Arresting Officer Responsibilities:
    • 1.Officers will log into the Strategic Subject List (SSL) Dashboard located on the Department home page, select "refine search" type in their offenders I.R. number, locate the only T.R.A.P. confirmed subjects box, and highlight "Yes." If subject appears, notify the appropriate Cook County States Attorney assigned to the district of arrest. Officers will ensure that results for their specific arrestee will be listed in the Arrest Report.
      The Assistant State's Attorney's Contact List, regarding T.R.A.P. offenders.
    • 2.When an officer arrests a targeted-offender for a felony, the designated Assistant State's Attorney for that police district must be contacted before the telephone call is made to Felony Review.
      If the officer is unable to contact the designated T.R.A.P. ASA, the officer will list that attempt inside the Arrest Report.
    • 3.The purpose of notifying the Assistant State's Attorney is to communicate that a targeted-offender is in custody and to discuss the case to make sure the investigation has been completed and that the offender has been interviewed before Felony Review is called to review the case for felony charges.
    • 4.When an officer arrests a targeted-offender for a misdemeanor, or learns that a targeted-offender has a pending misdemeanor case, the designated Assistant State's Attorney should be contacted. The determination will be made whether the evidence in the case warrants enhanced charging.
    • 5.The officer is reminded that all related reports must contain a thorough, detailed, and accurate chronology of the case including all of the offender's statements.
  • E.District Station Supervisors will ensure:
    • 1.The Strategic Subject List (SSL) for T.R.A.P. is reviewed to check the prisoners in their lockup against the list.
      The Assistant State's Attorney's Contact List, regarding T.R.A.P. offenders.
    • 2.Arrest reports contain the results of the T.R.A.P. offender check list.
    • 3.ASA assigned to that specific district is notified, if the supervisor observes an offender in the lockup on the T.R.A.P. list.
      • a.The ASA will be notified prior to the individual being let to bail, so the enhanced prosecution phase of the T.R.A.P. program can be initiated.
      • b.The district station supervisor will ensure that the phone numbers for the Cook County State's Attorney's Office (CCSAO) concerning T.R.A.P. offenders are readily accessible.
Authenticated by: KC
Garry F. McCarthy
Superintendent of Police

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Debt Legacy
Inflation or Deflation?

Foreigners Are Dumping U.S. Debt At A Record Pace And Our $20 Trillion National Debt Is Poised To Become A Major Crisis

One of the most significant aspects of the “Obama legacy” is the appalling mountain of debt that he has left behind. As I write this article, the U.S. national debt is sitting at 19.944 trillion dollars. During Obama’s eight years, a staggering 9.3 trillion dollars was added to the national debt. When you break that number down, it comes to more than a hundred million dollars every single hour of every single day while Obama was living in the White House. In just two terms, Obama added almost as much to the national debt as all of the other presidents before him combined. 
What Obama and the members of Congress that cooperated with him have done to future generations of Americans is beyond criminal. 
Now that Donald Trump is president, he is going to have some very hard choices in front of him. 
If Donald Trump and the Republicans stop borrowing and spending so much money, the economy will immediately start suffering. 
But if they do continue down the same path that Obama put us on, it is a recipe for national suicide. 
So either we take our medicine now, or we risk completely destroying the bright future that our children and grandchildren were supposed to enjoy. 
Wake up America, because time is running out.
Big Brother

This Company Has Built a Profile on Every American Adult

Every move you make. Every click you take. Every game you play. Every place you stay. They’ll be watching you.
IDI, a year-old company in the so-called data-fusion business, is the first to centralize and weaponize all that information for its customers. The Boca Raton, Fla., company’s database service, idiCORE, combines public records with purchasing, demographic, and behavioral data. Chief Executive Officer Derek Dubner says the system isn’t waiting for requests from clients—it’s already built a profile on every American adult, including young people who wouldn’t be swept up in conventional databases, which only index transactions. “We have data on that 21-year-old who’s living at home with mom and dad,” he says.
DYI:  The war on cash transactions will continue to heat up as marketers and government agencies desire to track you from cradle to grave.  Along with tracking your movements through your cell phone or GPS locators placed on your car or truck. Big business - Big Government totalitarian state continues to grow.  I wouldn't be surprised if the political elites outlaw the ownership of physical gold and silver (cash substitute) as our citizens desire privacy in their transactions and an escape from onerous taxation.

Trump Rally Continues - EYC Ratio Falls Below 1.00 Sell Stocks - Rebalance Portfolio - Re-think Stock/Bond Allocation!

Margin of Safety!

Central Concept of Investment for the purchase of Common Stocks.
"The danger to investors lies in concentrating their purchases in the upper levels of the market..."

Stocks compared to bonds:
Earnings Yield Coverage Ratio - [EYC Ratio]

EYC Ratio = [ (1/PE10) x 100] x 1.1] / Bond Rate
1.75 plus: Safe for large lump sums & DCA
1.30 plus: Safe for DCA

1.29 or less: Mid-Point - Hold stocks and purchase bonds.

1.00 or less: Sell stocks - rebalance portfolio - Re-think stock/bond allocation.

Current EYC Ratio: 0.99
As of 1-26-17
Updated Monthly

PE10 as report by Multpl.com
DCA is Dollar Cost Averaging.
Lump Sum any amount greater than yearly salary.

PE10  .........28.51
Bond Rate...3.86%

Over a ten-year period the typical excess of stock earnings power over bond interest may aggregate 4/3 of the price paid. This figure is sufficient to provide a very real margin of safety--which, under favorable conditions, will prevent or minimize a loss......If the purchases are made at the average level of the market over a span of years, the prices paid should carry with them assurance of an adequate margin of safety.  The danger to investors lies in concentrating their purchases in the upper levels of the market.....

Common Sense Investing:
The Papers of Benjamin Graham
Benjamin Graham

Oil Indicator Turns NEGATIVE!

Money - Dollars – Euros – Yen – Rubles or any other currency what you are really discussing is ENERGY.  Money and productivity are tied to energy. Productivity enhancing devices developed in our recent past – railroads, cars and trucks – airplanes – telephones – electricity – urban sanitation – TV and radio etc.  MODERN CONVENIENCES that are taken for granted have been provided to the poorest as a result of American’s having abundant cheap sources for oil, gas, and coal.  Productivity fall offs in the short term can be attributed to negative governmental policy [as expressed in the article]; however over the long term it is abundant NET energy.

Net energy is domestic energy minus energy imports.  Any wonder why President Trump has made this statement repeatedly: “To the victor so go the spoils!”  Hence the Middle East becomes a domestic energy reserve powering America’s economy.  No doubt an American first policy would strike fear into any energy dense nation – including Russia! 
Image result for inflation corrected oil price chart pictures
Updated Monthly
Oil Prices: 

UP 92%(rounded)
(oil prices approximately one year earlier due to weekends & holidays)
ANS West Coast prices   

Oil prices are well known for their volatility in the short term, longer term due to dwindling reserves energy prices are in a secular bull market.  Technologies such as fracking will extend the life of oil fields but major new discoveries arrive at a snails pace far slower than the world's growth.  

As long as prices rise in a slow and orderly pace our economy can adjust to those changes, however if prices spike (international tensions, war etc.) high energy costs behave as a massive deflationary tax. This will send our economy tumbling down and very possibly the U.S. stock market.

If oil prices rise greater than 75% from one year earlier, investors at that time should shift their portfolio geared towards deflationary times.  This would be an oil indicator as negative.

If oil prices rise from one year-earlier less than 10% or drop then the inflationary play is in effect; a positive for economic growth along with possible higher stock prices.

Where to find one year-earlier oil prices?  Alaska Department of Revenue    

Oil indicator positive                
20%  REIT's
20%  Energy
20%  P.M.'s
40%  Small Caps
  0%  Lt. Gov't Bonds

Oil indicator negative
  5%  REIT's
10%  Energy
10%  P.M's
10%  Small Caps
65%  Lt. Gov't Bonds

Vanguard Funds

REIT Index Admiral  VGSLX

Energy Fund  VGENX

Precious Metals (P.M.'s)
Precious Metals and Mining Fund  VGPMX

Small Caps
Small Cap Value Index Admiral  VSIAX

Long Term Government Bonds
Long-Term Government Bond Index Admiral  VLGSX


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This site strives for the highest standards of accuracy; however ERRORS AND OMISSIONS ARE ACCEPTED!
The Dividend Yield Investor is a blog site for entertainment and educational purposes ONLY.
The Dividend Yield Investor shall not be held liable for any loss and/or damages from the information herein.

Use this site at your own risk.


Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Housing Bust

Burswood-based builder Builton Group, which trades under the brands Platinum Homes and Aspireon Homes, seems poised to join the growing list of residential builders in Western Australia gone bust.

Other Australian Home Builders Gone Bust:
  • Builton Group
  • Collier Homes
  • Quattro Homes
  • Pitaro Homes
  • Nominated Homes
  • Shane Crothers Homes
DYI:  I've been predicting a housing bust for Australia approximately 4 years running; a prime example how markets can stay far longer irrational than we think is possible or probable.  As yet here it is at last and spreading across the land down under like wild fire.  Homes are so wildly over priced prices will crack 30% and upscale properties dropping as much as 50%.  

What caused the run up?  China buying gargantuan natural resources making the miners flush with cash along with tax receipts increasing at a feverish pace.  The government went on a spending boom spreading their new found wealth.  Along came the U.S. downturn while Australia's boom continued and yet world wide interest rates dropped precipitously including the island continent.  Boom economy along with sub atomic low rates the seeds of a housing boom was born.

What caused the crash?  China's need for natural resources has dropped off and is back to more normal levels; hence the boom has ended.  Of course politicians thinking or hoping the boom would last forever has now had to do with significantly less tax receipts with many parts of Australia in recession.  Also world wide interest rates may be in the process of normalizing further straining properties ability to be sold.

There is more to come but once Melbourne goes bust, for the most part ended, as this city is the epicenter of housing speculation.

For those adventurist souls you may want to look into different investments in the land down under once the bust is in full bloom.  Even though this is NOT part of my model portfolio, however, I do pass on other financial info as it arrives.  Of course this is NOT financial advice just an informational site for your further study.


Monday, January 23, 2017


The 4 Horsemen of the US Debt Apocalypse: 80 percent of federal government operation costs go to four areas in Health and Human Services, Social Security Administration, Veterans Affairs, and Department of Defense.

What you won’t see is politicians going after any of these areas.  These are political kryptonite.  Old Americans and the military.  You can’t win by cutting anything here. 
  So you can expect this spending to continue for the near future.  But what does this mean in the bigger scheme of things?  
It means shadow inflation through debt. 
  Things that are financed will get more expensive if more debt devices are injected into the system.  Take college tuition for example.  It didn’t go down during the Great Recession but kept on moving up thanks to government backing of loans.
Debt Slaves

These are the Countries with the Biggest Debt Slaves, and Americans Are Only in 10th place

Americans have been on a borrowing binge. To buy their favorite cars and trucks, they’ve loaded up on $1.14 trillion in auto loans. Young and not so young Americans are mortgaging their future with student loans that now amount to $1.28 trillion. Credit card and other debts are at $1.12 trillion. And mortgage debt stands at $8.82 trillion. 
So, total household debt was $12.35 trillion, according to the New York Fed’s Household Debt and Credit Report for the third quarter 2016. That’s a massive amount of debt. Many consumers are struggling with it. Student loans are seeing enormous default rates, and repayment rates are far worse than previously disclosed. And “debt slaves” has become a term in the financial vernacular. 
But it isn’t nearly enough debt… 
Neither for the New York Fed whose President William Dudley, in a speech(Evolving Consumer Behavior) a few days ago, practically exhorted households to borrow more against the equity in their homes so that they blow this cash and drive up retail sales: 
“Whatever the timing, a return to a reasonable pattern of home equity extraction would be a positive development for retailers, and would provide a boost to aggregate growth,” he mused, with nostalgic thoughts of 2008.

Evolving Consumer Behavior

January 17, 2017
William C.  Dudley, President and Chief Executive Officer
The second most important asset on the balance sheet of many households is housing equity.  So, in addition to being a source of shelter, housing can be a major form of collateral for borrowing for many households.  In fact, for those households that have collateral available to secure loans, housing equity is by far the most important form of collateral.
What this tells us is that the performance of the housing and mortgage markets are important to the retail business.
DYI:  Don't take the bait!  Never borrow money for basic retail items.  This is exampled by items as bedroom furniture, dishes, clothes, vacations etc. a fast way to the poor house.  Only borrow for a house and very sparingly student loan debt.
The purchase of a car or truck should be acquired by cash - that's right buy a used vehicle.  If you feel absolutely compelled to purchase a new car/truck for reliability issues then go small.  I own two Honda Civics even though I could easily afford top of the line high dollar vehicles.  Pumping out money for status leaves you far less money to save and invest especially in your early years.    
 When home prices are rising and housing equity can easily be converted into cash, we can expect to see relatively high levels of consumption, all else equal.  Conversely, when home prices are flat or declining, or mortgage credit is tight, this will put a damper on retail spending.  Events of the last decade have driven this point home in a very clear way.
Time will tell if there is a renewed appetite, on both lenders’ and borrowers’ parts, to convert housing wealth into consumption.  Perhaps, we will soon see a recovery in cash-out refinancing and in HELOC borrowing as a means for households to expand their consumption.  In this case, the household saving rate will begin to decline.  Or, we may need to wait longer for households to feel confident enough to extract some of their home equity, and for lenders to decide that expanding such lending is safe enough for their balance sheets.  Whatever the timing, a return to a reasonable pattern of home equity extraction would be a positive development for retailers, and would provide a boost to aggregate growth.  In the meantime, consumption growth will largely be determined by income growth, the trajectory of wages and the strength of the labor market.
Second, the household sector’s financial condition is in unusually good shape for this point in the economic cycle.  Household indebtedness is relatively low, debt service burdens relative to household income have fallen to levels not seen since at least the early 1980s.  Moreover, household incomes are rising at a moderate pace, supported by continued job gains and some modest strengthening of wage compensation trends.  If households and lenders again become comfortable with financing consumption with debt in addition to income, this will provide additional support to household spending and to the current economic expansion.  

These are the Countries with the Biggest Debt Slaves, and Americans Are Only in 10th place

DYI:  I found it quite interesting that Russia didn't even make the list.  Russia's household debt to GDP is only 20% .  Their central bank has a policy of positive interest rates flooding their banks with savings as their citizens gain confidence in a hardening currency.  Also the flip side will be a pay down in debt further stabilizing - at least from a monetary perspective - Russia.  Why bring this up?  International bankers are being cutout of the loop as their citizens(142 million) become debt free! Another reason for all of the increase tensions all coming from the Alliance [U.S. U.K. NATO EU] as our economies are moribund in debt.