Monday, January 16, 2017

The Death of Europe

Soaring childlessness among southern European women - report

"Reliable contraception, delayed union formation and childbearing, greater family fragility, demanding careers and job instability, as well as general economic uncertainty, are likely to foster childlessness". 
The report cites high unemployment, "inadequate family policies" and "persistent gender inequalities in the division of domestic work and childcare" as important factors. 
"While childlessness has broadly stabilised in western and northern Europe, it is likely to continue rising fast in southern Europe, where up to one quarter of women born in the 1970s may remain childless," the report concludes. 
"Childlessness will also continue rising in central and eastern Europe."
DYI:  The birth rate in Central Europe has been dropping and remained below replacement for over 30 plus years.  At this current level Central Europe will lose half of it population within two generations.  With the migrant situation Europe could very easily become an Islamic State within 50 years.  So far I've seen very little effort on the part of the authorities to remedy their dismal birth rate.  Only the French have manage to maintain at replacement as opposed to the Germans who are on a population decline trajectory.

If these trends are not reversed Turkey could end up being an European/Asian powerhouse both economically and militarily.  This has been noticed by the U.S. and Russia.  This is why tension between Turkey, Russia and the U.S. have been sliding as of late despite the fact that Turkey is a NATO member.  Big demographic forces are at work that could easily come to head and be settled by war.  Hopefully saner heads will prevail.

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