Friday, March 31, 2017

New York Times

Trump Is a Chinese Agent

Thomas L. Friedman
The Trans-Pacific Partnership was based largely on U.S. economic interests, benefiting our fastest-growing technologies and agribusinesses, and had more labor, environmental and human rights standards than any trade agreement ever. And it excluded China. It was our baby, shaping the future of trade in Asia. 
Imagine if Trump were negotiating with China now as not only the U.S. president but also as head of a 12-nation trading bloc based on our values and interests. That’s called l-e-v-e-r-a-g-e, and Trump just threw it away … because he promised to in the campaign — without, I’d bet, ever reading TPP. What a chump! I can still hear the clinking of champagne glasses in Beijing. 
DYI:  The problem with these trade deals they are done in secrecy.  So how do you know Friedman the details of the agreement?  In a nut shell; you don’t know.  You are just pulling B.S. out your lower region.
But Trump took his Make China Great campaign to a new level on Tuesday by rejecting the science on climate change and tossing out all Obama-era plans to shrink our dependence on coal-fired power. Trump also wants to weaken existing mileage requirements for U.S.-made vehicles. Stupid. 
China is loving this: It’s doubling down on clean energy — because it has to and it wants to leapfrog us on technology — and we’re doubling down on coal, squandering our lead in technology.
DYI:  Climate change; in the 1970’s it was global cooling; by the 1990’s it became global warming; and now its climate change.  So called researchers have been caught so many times fabricating their data to fit the new religion of climate change their science has been completely debunked.

What you fear Friedman is the market place.  Period!  I have nothing against green tech as long as it is developed in the market place and not by government edict.  Have you forgotten so quickly the lost taxpayer’s dollars for solar companies that went bankrupt during Obama’s tenure? 
So you tell me that Trump is not a Chinese agent. The only other explanation is that he’s ignorant and unread — that he’s never studied the issues or connected the dots between them — so Big Coal and Big Oil easily manipulated him into being their chump, who just tweeted out their talking points to win votes here and there — without any thought to grand strategy. Surely that couldn’t be true?
DYI:  Without any thought to grand strategy?  Socialist's always fears the market.  The market place is the grand strategy and if left alone Mr. Market will work wonders.

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