Monday, March 13, 2017

Where have all
the men gone?
Image result for labor participation rate men pictures

American Men Are Giving Up On Jobs

I’ve written about this before, but there are 10 million American males between the age of 24 and 64 who have literally dropped out of the workforce. It means that they have given up on finding a job or are simply not looking. 
But, focusing on just one subset among those who are 24–64, we see that white working-class males’ labor force participation rate has dropped to 59%. 
Among the 10 million men not in the workforce—men who are not even looking for a job—57% of the Caucasian population between 21 and 55 collect disability benefits, which means they can get Medicaid benefits and cheap narcotics. 
Opioid addiction has become rampant in 50-something men. 
For the first time in the last 250 years of history, we are watching the probable longevity rates within a demographic segment of the population fall.  
That specific demographic is working men in their 50s, and the main causes of early death in this cohort are alcohol, drug abuse, and suicide.
DYI:  The lunatic left continues to scream “white privileged men” obviously facts are not their mainstay.  As technology continues to displace low skilled jobs unless the displaced gets “skilled up” they will be competing for the remaining low skilled work.  This competition will be based upon price.  In other words – LOWER WAGES further acerbating the problem.  This is a world wide phenomenon affecting the low skilled but mid to high level as well.  Job displaced – unemployment due to automation – is now world wide especially in 1st world countries (that’s where the money is). 

This is the main reason why the birth rate has dropped so precipitously especially in 1st world countries parents need to have their children well educated to be firmly placed into the middle class.  That requires time, up to the age 25, and tons of money hence smaller families.

This evolution of technology is not going away any economic ideas will only be patch work reducing the effects.  This has been exaggerated due to the ever present Baby Boomers, as they begin to exit the work force in statistical significant numbers in the 2020’s this technology jobs displacement will be significantly lessened.  However, it is not going away ever!

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