Friday, June 28, 2019


The Dying Days Of An Empire

There are quite a few people who have been harping on the demise of the USD as reserve currency for a long time, and I always think: look, nobody wants the yuan, let alone the ruble. There’s no trade being executed in these currencies. So taking over from the USD is a pipe dream.But that may very well change, and perhaps very fast too, if the US uses the dollar not as an economic weapon (and there are plenty issues with that already), but as a military one. That would potentially hugely speed up any efforts to move away from the buck in international trade.The US no longer has the economic, political or military might to dictate to the entire world any terms it wants to. Those days are long gone. That ended in Vietnam. Trump’s living in the last century, while Bolton and Pompeo, they live in their own time and world.
DYI:  As I’ve stated many times before the days of American Empire are finished.  No longer will we be able to push the entire world around at our beckon call!  However America will continue to be a powerful country within our sphere of influence primarily the Atlantic Ocean and portions of the Pacific.  Further away we push from our shores the costs will ramp up exponentially making it no longer possible to be the world’s sole empire.  The demise of the American dollar will take multiple decades to achieve however in the meantime countries such as Russia and China are looking to diversify away from the dollar as much as possible.

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