DYI: I want to bring to your attention the huge drop in oil prices. Since 1/6/20 West Texas Intermediate [WTI]
has dropped from $63.27 and as of this morning to $22.74 for a 64%
decline! This has caused a huge bear
market for oil and their related service sector companies share prices. Using a closed end mutual fund Adams
Natural Resources Fund, Inc. (PEO) as a proxy for all oil related share
prices has declined from $15.48 [2/20/20] till yesterday close at $6.11 a
market 61% SMASH!

As of 3/19/20
How low is low? No one knows for
sure and yes WTI could very well trade in the teens. Be as that may be the oil and gas industry is
not going away anytime soon no matter what folks say about electric cars or
trucks. If the battery packs are
successful it will take decades to convert all of the world wide fleets of cars
or trucks to electric. A time frame for
us mortals this drop has created a buying opportunity for the long term
investor. If you are relatively young
this is a great time to dollar cost average into your favorite oil/gas mutual
fund. While you wait for the recovery in prices, most funds have a 4.5% or
greater yield. If you are retired, a
great yield play at the onset, with a good possibility of capital gains in the
future. Please note this could very well
take months in the making. Simply put
this is for the long term investors buying in during panics setting your selves
up for future gains!
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