Wednesday, September 30, 2015

It’s official: Every state in America is too fat

In 1990, the country would have been considered relatively healthy when it comes to weight. Sure, there were plenty of people who were overweight and obese. But the problem was relatively limited with not a single one of our 50 states having a prevalence equal to or greater than 15 percent. 
Today, all of them do -- and new numbers released this week show the problem has been getting worse, not better despite many millions spent on national campaigns by the likes of public health officials, the American Heart Association, and first lady Michelle Obama to get Americans to eat better and exercise more. 
That's based on a definition of obesity as a body mass index or BMI of 30 or above which is calculated by dividing weight in pounds by height in inches squared and multiplying by a conversion factor of 703.  A 5-foot-9-inch man, for example, would have to be 203 pounds to be counted as obese. (If you want to want to calculate your own BMI check out this handy calculator from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.)
DYI Comments:  The reason for this post is that I've been on a very low carb diet for little over 3 years and the results have been amazing.  Dropped around 30 pounds, energy to burn, and at age 61 have four abs showing(if I stopped drinking wine it would be all six).  Plus off blood pressure medication, with BP coming in at 120/70.  I never go hungry and yet I ate myself thin.  After the weight loss exercise is a lot more fun and to brag a bit in a one hour time period I can do 500 push ups....Again, all at the age of 61.

I'm going to post about this from time to time along with geo-politics as there are are only so many ways I can tell folks that the U.S. stock market and bond market(junk) is horribly overvalued.

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