Monday, July 17, 2017

American Petrol Dollar
Beginning of the End?

Russia's Sberbank begins physical gold trading on Shanghai exchange

Sberbank was granted international membership of the Shanghai exchange in September last year and in July completed a pilot transaction with 200 kg of gold kilobars sold to local financial institutions, the bank said.
Sberbank plans to expand its presence on the Chinese precious metals market and anticipates total delivery of 5-6 tonnes of gold to China in the remaining months of 2017.
DYI:  This is only the very beginning of the Russians making their move to eventually price oil then gas along with the rest of her natural resources in gold.  Future contracts will be written for so many grams of gold per barrel of oil and what ever amounts of Federal Reserve notes (U.S. Dollar) that takes will be our problem.  With out the recycling back into Treasury securities the not so almighty buck trades lower sending inflationary pressures higher and higher as our cost of imports rise.

Again this is only the beginning as Russia and China develop the necessary trading infrastructure, once this is in place both countries will pull in other countries within their sphere of influence.  As this occurs more and more contracts will be priced in gold diluting the American dollar as the world’s reserve currency.  This is the real reason for all of the Russia, Russia, and more Russian talk in the main stream press to demonize Russia in an attempt restart the cold war thwarting their ability to throw off the shackles of the American Petrol dollar.

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