Sunday, July 23, 2017

Mass Exodus 
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Opponents of Venezuela’s Maduro Will Launch “Final Offensive” on Thursday

Thursday’s called strike could be the culmination of the rush of events leading to the successful removal of Venezuela’s Marxist dictator, Nicolas Maduro (shown). The strike called by Maduro’s political opposition is the “final offensive” in the months-long effort to depose him, according to Freddy Guevara, one of the opposition leaders. Said Guevara, “We are calling all the country to take part in a massive and violence-free protest through a nationwide strike for 24 hours,” adding that it would be a “mechanism for pressure and to prepare for the definitive escalation to take place next week.” 
Last Sunday nearly 7½ million Venezuelans voted informally to protest Maduro’s plans to replace key members of the country’s legislative body, creating a “Constituent Assembly” that would lay the groundwork for rewriting the country’s constitution and cementing Maduro into office permanently. That vote is scheduled for Sunday, July 30.
DYI:  If Maduro sets himself up as dictator for life what remains of the middle class will flee in a mass exodus.  This will dissolve any level of civil society remaining in Venezuela.  The middle class are the managers for public and private institutions without their skills the country will “dissolve” into a 3rd world hell hole. Maduro is the worst type of socialist/communist – the true believer!  He simply believes the reason his policies are not working is due to outside forces thwarting his dreams of utopia.  By having dictatorial power utopia will be achieved.  If the people of Venezuela lose to Maduro DYI estimates over a 10 year period 35% to 50% reduction in population from starvation, premature deaths, murder/mayhem and mass exodus.  Geography;  this is not Cuba with a natural ocean border there are wide open access to other countries in South America Maduro will have to stretch his resources to the breaking point guarding every inch of their border.  As long as these insane socialist/communist governmental policies remain in effect Venezuela will have a continuous population drain.

How anyone could have voted for Bernie Sanders are beyond my comprehension especially the citizens of Vermont.  Socialism always fails.  By the way in Europe they call their system socialism but in reality it is governmental control but not direct ownership of private business (socialism).  More along the lines of fascism but due to the holocaust they have misnamed their governmental version to be more palatable.      

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