Saturday, July 22, 2017

The ObamaCare reform fiasco looks like a tipping point toward a strain of toxic political paralysis that might literally kill the government as we’ve known it. 
Over the many months of debate, congress never even got around to raising the salient issue: 
percent of the economy “health care” represents consists largely of outright racketeering. 
DYI:  Hopefully this article will gain traction for other bloggers to report on raising awareness of the severity of the Medical Industrial Complex.  This industry is ripping off Americans from top to bottom unfortunately our citizens are totally unaware of the level of racketeering. Most believe this is solely an insurance problem and have no idea as to why the underlining costs are so high that increases at a rate of 9% to 10% per annum.  At 10% using the rule of 72’s the cost of health care will double in 7.2 years (72 / 10%).  Health care if left unchecked has the potential to absorb 40% of the economy within 7 years!  Obviously if this transpires the U.S. economy will tank.  Add on the runaway military industrial complex and student loan debacle a major depression is very possible if not probable. 
Well, they sure blew that one. The major parties are disintegrating before our eyes, despite the seeming sense of decorum that senators present on TV.
DYI:  The Democratic Party has turned into a lunatic asylum as they have zero solutions.  Republicans having control of the House, Senate, and White House find it impossible to repeal something as simple as ObamaCare.  Both parties due to campaign monies from the Medical Industrial Complex will not speak a word about racketeering and forming monopolies all to the determent of our citizens and economy.   
The public may seem to be mentally on vacation, snoozing on the beach in the midsummer doldrums, but something vicious is in the wind offshore. 
I’d actually go further now than the “soft coup d’état” scenario that has Trump run over by the 25th amendment. It will happen, of course, but it will not satisfy anybody. Mike Pence will prove to be as ineffectual and unpopular as Trump, and he will be drowning in financial and fiscal problems, and he will get no help from the legislature in resolving any of it, and before too long there may be a general in the White House — or attempting to run things from someplace else, if he can. The whole nauseating spectacle will be attended by violent popular revolt of region against region and tribe against tribe in a great civil explosion of long-suppressed angst. 
Too many nasty forces are vectoring in on the scene to overthrow the dream state America has been languishing in. Most of them involve money (or “money”) and the questions of how can we possibly keep paying for the way we live in this country, and who exactly has been fobbing off with the former wealth of every rusted and busted community in the land? 
It’s going to start in the stock and bond markets and it will be soon. And then the US Treasury will destroy the dollar trying (again) to save the banks. 
DYI:  At 30 times PE10 and sub atomic low interest rates the market smash will be devastating.  Expect a 55% to 70% decline for stocks with one bank after another going into the tank as Congress authorizes multiple trillions for another bailout.  That is my best guess how this actually plays out will be historical!
And the bank accounts will be frozen. And the loans will stop being paid. And the SNAP cards are going to stop working, and pretty soon the just-in-time deliveries to the supermarkets, and the resupply to the gas stations, and there won’t be much that Mike Pence can do about it. He’ll be shoved aside and the military will have to try to restore order in the land. When they do, it will not be the same land we sang about back in the fifth grade. Up in a cloud somewhere over Ohio, maybe, Schrödinger’s Cat will be gazing down on us, grinning.
 Make America Great
Institutional Change
1.)   End the Federal Reserve
2.)   Repeal 17th Amendment – Reinstate Federal Senators chosen by State Legislators.
1. Term Limits – Constitutional Amendment
A. Two six year terms for Senators
B. Three terms House of Representatives
3.)   Repeal 16th Amendment – Income tax replace with value added tax.
4.)   Pass the Balanced Budget Amendment
5.)   Exit the United Nations
6.)   Reign in the Medical Industrial Complex
a. Enforce Anti-Trust Laws
b. Pass Legislation for re-importation of ethical drugs
7.)   End Federal and Private Student Loans

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