Wednesday, April 11, 2018

The main stream media does not report real events; it subsists to entertain or titillate and propagandize the masses as diversions from real events and their consequences.

Trump says 'everybody' involved in apparent Syrian chemical weapons attack will 'pay a price'

President Donald Trump said Monday he will make "major decisions" on Syria within 48 hours, and did not rule out new military action. 
The president condemned reports of a chemical weapons attack that left dozens of people dead over the weekend, calling it "atrocious." He said "nothing's off the table" in response to the attack. 
"Very concerned, when a thing like that can happen, this is about humanity," the president told reporters during a Cabinet meeting. "We're talking about humanity. And it can't be allowed to happen. So we'll be looking at that barbaric act and studying what's going on."
DYI:  U.S. government whether it is Trump, Obama, Bush, and so many others before have lost all credibility; whether domestic or international policy.  80% to 90% American and world wide believe the official 911 report to be a fabrication based on errors, omissions, and fantasy based lies.  Along with a main stream press completely controlled by the CIA/FBI Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the many other intelligence services used to promote propaganda upon the American people [and the world as well].  911 provided the excuse for the American military to go rampaging the Middle East.

Did the Syrian government gas their own people?  I don’t know either way for sure.  However just shooting the odds and using the main stream government controlled press past behavior as a guide; the harder the narrative is pushed the opposite is more than likely to be the case.  So using that as a guide did the Syrian government gas their own people?  Most likely NOT!  Is Donald Trump any different than any of the other presidents?  I don’t see how when he shows up at Las Vegas after the staged fake as hell DHS drill promoted as real visiting the fake wounded.

Why are we in the Middle East?  Simple; oil & gas!  Without plentiful reserves any economy slows and the standard of living disintegrates.  Donald Trump made the off the cuff statement (paraphrasing) “To the victor’s goes the spoils.”  Bottom line this is an energy grab.  
Image result for map of middle east oil reserves
Look at Iran’s estimated oil reserves this is why they’ve been demonized for decades.  The U.S. is out to turn Iran back into a vassal state just as it was with the Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi that was lost in the 1979 Iranian revolution.    

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