Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Image result for cognitive dissonance frantz fanon

Image result for robbie parker sandy hook pictures
Sandy Hook Newtown Connecticut Actor DHS staged drill; no one shot & no one killed; promoted as real by the main stream press.
FBI statistics 2012 for Newtown
by murder.
Cognitive Dissonance:
Please understand this:  It’s scripted, its orchestrated.  Do NOT believe anything you read in print or digital, hear on radio and especially seen on TV.  With the repeal of the Smith Mundt Act (2012) in the NDAA by Obama, the public CAN be LIED TO and fed PROPAGANDA for the Government's [elite's] AGENDA.  All paid for by you and me; the American taxpayer.

Why all the staged faked mass shootings?

Multiple Agendas!

Bail Out of the Main Stream Press:
The repeal of the Smith Mundt Act allows the Federal government to spend money legally propagandizing the American public these dollars have been channeled into the MSM thus acting as a BAILOUT.  Their ratings [viewership] have been declining for years before the internet and since its arrival news is even more decentralized thus destroying MSM.  They were and continue to bleed money by the bucketful they are being shored up by government dollars delivering propaganda.

Gun Sales:  
This took me a long time to wrap my head around these incessant fake staged mass shootings were NOT for gun control but for gun sales.  The public believed there would be gun control [or outright ban] so the race was on to purchase all types of weapons before the Obama administration possibly succeeded.  The elites made a fortune as they held vast amount of shares of the companies that have sales in the U.S.

Security Systems sales:
The elites have moved from gun sales to pushing for mandated legislation requiring all public schools, universities, stadiums, hospitals, large hotels etc. to have metal detectors, scanners, CCTV networks, all tied into your police departments.  This is exampled by one such company that would profit handsomely if this legislation is passed called OSI Systems, Inc.  This is nothing more than a swindle based on the age old scam of Problem – Reaction – Solution.  Create the problem; get a reaction from the public; provide the solution that was falsely created.   Of course the solution provides handsome profits!

Mental Health [Political Dissident Act]:
Legislation is being pushed to expand mental health issues based upon statements made on social media that police or mental health professionals deem as a threat to the public or the individual harming himself.  This expansion would allow the police to forcibly place an individual into a mental health institution for mandated treatment.  Which of course is euphuism for DRUG therapy?  This could easily morph into an avenue to round up political dissidents based upon their social media statements.  This in my judgment is the end game for this possible legislation as another tool of our ever growing police state.      

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