Monday, July 23, 2018

If you want to take the theory out of conspiracy theories Miles Mathis is an excellent starting point.

From the Desk of
Also interesting to see that Randi Zuckerberg is criticizing her brother Mark this week for defending free speech. She is suggesting the US join some European countries in banning Holocaust denial. This is obviously a manufactured event, to allow her to do just that. No real people are outraged that Mark Zuckerberg defended Holocaust deniers, since there is nothing offensive about what he said. Free speech is nothing more than Constitutional law in the US, and always has been. The Zuckerbergs manufactured this whole controversy, just so that Randi could promote a ban on free speech. Which should be far more offensive to average Americans, and probably is. All the people in the media pretending to be outraged at Zuckerberg's comments are simply planted mouthpieces, and this entire event was manufactured and staged like everything else in the news. 
It indicates the fascists are feeling the heat, and their answer of course is to turn up the fascism. 
If people aren't buying the old lies, force them to buy the lies at gunpoint. It won't work, since the US can't pass a ban on any free speech or any idea without overturning the entire Constitution. Not even I believe they are about to do that. Since they can't do that, they are trying to do the next best thing: if you can't change the laws, change the customs. 
They are trying to change the way you think by hitting you with this 24-7 barrage of propaganda. 
They want to convince you that those who question the mainstream on any topic are bad people, so they hammer away at these stories day in day out. 
But it isn't working. Why isn't it working? Because in order for it to work, the masses have to trust/respect those doing the hammering. 
No one trusts the Zuckerbergs and no one ever will, so Randi Zuckerberg isn't a good spokeswoman. Her propaganda is worthless and it will never stick.
That can be said about all these people in the news now. Everyone can tell they are transparent fronts for the powers-that-be, so their words don't have any weight. 
They and their families have been caught lying over and over about everything, so why should anyone believe them about the Holocaust or anything else? The answer: no one does. It isn't just the Holocaust that people are denying these days, it is everything. 
Sensible people are seeing that nothing about recent history makes any sense, so why believe it? If it is full of contradictions and isn't believable, why believe it? 
Even if the government overturned the Constitution and banned questioning government stories, it wouldn't make any difference. It might prevent the publication of some ideas online, but it wouldn't prevent people from believing what they believe or talking to their neighbors. You can't legislate that.
That is the real problem of people like Randi Zuckerberg. Not only can you not police what people think, once you have lost their trust you can't even influence their thoughts anymore. The propaganda doesn't work anymore, and that is what really concerns them. But as I have said many times before, it is their own fault. 
They had a pretty good propaganda machine working up until 2001, but they broke it by their own actions. CIA allowed DHS to come in and use their tools, and DHS broke those tools. 
There have simply been too many flubbed projects since 2001, and that isn't the fault of any Holocaust deniers. That is the fault of Intel itself. 
The problem goes far beyond Holocaust denial, since they would also have to address 911 denial, Sandy Hook denial, Manson denial, Hitler denial, Lenin denial, Cold War denial, Bay of Pigs denial, Castro denial, Kennedy denial, Hawking denial, MLK denial, serial killer denial, and news denial.
DYI:  This is Kenneth E. Royer chief cook and bottle washer of this blog.  What event was your moment of denial of official government answers to certain events?  Was it 911?  The official answers to that report was based upon omissions [zero mention of building 7] fabrications – all of Newton’s laws of motion and all other engineering principals did NOT apply to the Twin Towers – video of the second plane being absorb into the building and then having the nose cone made of PLASTIC coming out the other side (the Twin Towers each were the size of a city block) of the building!  This is only a small portion of nothing making any sense regarding 911; the inconsistencies which is a polite way of saying lies are damn near endless.

Or was it when the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) came into being – and it is completely unconstitutional – got into the act of pumping out propaganda with all of their staged, faked, no one shot; no one killed or wounded psyops.  For most it is now the ridicules Sandy Hook affair.  And yes folks no one was shot; no one was killed or wounded propaganda in an effort to push gun sales.
[Not gun control only the fear of future gun control ramping up gun sales at a feverish pace.  The elite hold very large ownership in these companies thus adding to their wealth (at the expense of our fears)]. 
DHS are just the pits when it comes to psyops (propaganda) making huge errors one after another.
Be as that may be, what was your moment?  Mine goes all the way back (I’m 63) to the Oklahoma bombing when they said Timothy McVeigh blew up the building.  I’m ex military and have used explosive extensively and I know that the bomb blast underneath the truck was NOT commensurate [the pavement had zero damage] with the destruction to the building.  And the building was empty and a bevy of CRISES ACTORS; no one was killed as this was another psyop to distract the masses from God knows what during the Clinton administration and to promote a generalized state of fear for our citizens to demand more spending in order to protect us from psychopaths.         
People don't believe the news anymore, period. So what are the governors going to do about that? Are they going to pass a law to force you to believe the news? How will that work?
I will be told they are preparing for the onset of a 1984-style control grid, but I don't think they are. If they are, they are going about it the wrong way. The time to slip into that scheme was back in the 1950's, when everyone believed what they were told. In that case, ramping up the propaganda and having it believed was at least a possibility. But as it now stands, there is no possibility the masses are going to fall for such a naïve scheme. They aren't going to sit in front of some large screen and buy even bigger lies than they are already being sold. You don't implement 1984 when everyone is already suspicious. You have to ease into that scenario from a position of trust. You can't blast into it from a position of distrust, because if your audience balks the whole plan fails from the first moment.
DYI:  This is where I disagree with Miles but moving along a different track.  In the news they are pushing heavily the mental health issues stating – and damn near bluntly – that if you do not believe the official narrative you are mentally imbalanced and will be needed to be detained and TREATED at a mental hospital.  They can’t shut down the internet as that would destroy a vast level of business and of course the elite profits!  This will be reserved for anyone who has a following of substance on the net in order to shut down his or hers delusional behavior [TRUTH TELLING].  I believe this is where we are headed just as it was done in the Soviet Union [KGB] or the terrorizing East Germans with their monstrous STASSI intelligence and secret police.  And if I’m correct Miles Mathis is in grave danger to say the least!  
The governors already have a vast control grid in place, but the problem is it is failing. It relies on incredible levels of propaganda, but the lies aren't being swallowed. Successful propaganda requires trust, and all trust is gone. So the governors are now just relying on your inertia, which they make sure to supplement with as much drugging and confusion as possible. This is why they mothballed the just say-no campaigns and switched to just-say-yes campaigns. This is why many States are legalizing marijuana and why they are watering down laws against other drugs. This is why they have made street mj much stronger. They are quite happy for you to be stoned out of your gourd. But of course you can counter that plan as well, by not buying the stuff. Stay lucid, friends, it is your only hope.
DYI:  On the one hand I’m glad to see the decimalization / legalization of drugs as it begins the process of removing an additional criminal element from our society.  And yet Miles is also correct that the elites are hoping that vast portions of our society during their off time from work will be docile through drug usage (added on to alcohol).  This will dampen any political movements upsetting the political and economic elite’s plans.  
So, what will they do next? If the past is any indication, and it always is, they will continue to work undercover, scurrying about in the dark as much as possible. I don't expect to see them make any direct attack on your freedoms, since that would be counterproductive. 
Instead, they will try to continue to undermine your power and your sanity as much as possible. But once you know what they are up to, this is very difficult for them.
DYI:  We can only hope for the best and plan for the worst.  Planning for the worst by having 50,000 TRUTH TELLING blogs, web sites AND 50,000 making videos would knock back the elites severely.  They can’t lock up everyone in a mental hospital as that would impact their profits from the people they have locked up!  These 100,000 don’t have to have a huge audience, just big enough yet under their radar for treatment at a mental hospital.  It is the old saying a death by a 1,000 small cuts. 

There is some hope for optimism when I go into YouTube comment section of any of the propaganda from the main stream press regarding Sandy Hook 70% to 80% knows the whole damn affair was FAKE.  Many of the other DHS psyops is any where from 30% to 50%.  It seems as time moves on more and more of our citizens are catching on. Just incidental conversation I have with folks at grocery stores, post office etc. I’d say 20% to 30% know this is all BS when it comes to DHS.  Let’s hope for the best these numbers build faster than the elites find ways to reduce them.

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