Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Land of the Free?

American Society Would Collapse If It Weren’t for These 8 Myths

Myth No. 8—We have a democracy.  If you think we still have a democracy or a democratic republic, ask yourself this: When was the last time Congress did something that the people of America supported that did not align with corporate interests? … You probably can’t do it. It’s like trying to think of something that rhymes with “orange.” You feel like an answer exists but then slowly realize it doesn’t. Even the Carter Center and former President Jimmy Carter believe that America has been transformed into an oligarchy: A small, corrupt elite control the country with almost no input from the people. The rulers need the myth that we’re a democracy to give us the illusion of control.
DYI:  Below is a list of just a few of the known wealthy individuals and their families.  Many from royalty are extremely rich such as the Queen Elizabeth II of England [$500 million] or the Queen Maxima of the Netherlands [$200 million] much of their wealth is well hidden pushing these numbers astronomically high.  Queen Maxima entire family wealth has been rumored for years to be near the $1 Trillion level.  Below are the top 10 publicly reported richest individuals in the world.

Carlos Slim Helu and family — $67.6 billion. ...
Bernard Arnault — $68.7 billion. ...
Mark Zuckerberg — $72 billion. ...
Amancio Ortega — $75.8 billion. ...
Warren Buffett — $90.1 billion. ...
Bill Gates — $91.9 billion. ...
Jeff Bezos — $108.9 billion.      
Myth No. 7—We have an accountable and legitimate voting system.  Gerrymandering, voter purging, data mining, broken exit polling, push polling, superdelegates, electoral votes, black-box machines, voter ID suppression, provisional ballots, super PACs, dark money, third parties banished from the debates and two corporate parties that stand for the same goddamn pile of fetid crap! 
DYI:  Problem – Reaction – Solution…The age old method for gaining control along with watering down more of our rights and civil liberties.  This is what all the Russian U.S. hacking of elections is about.  Create a problem [whether real or not] generate a reaction from the populous to do something then ride in on the white horse with the solution.  That solution is for the Department of Homeland Security [DHS] to have oversight of our election despite the fact elections by Constitution is solely a State matter.  If DHS is not kick out within a decade the majority of our elections through electronic vote rigging will be managed by the elites.

DHS designates election systems as 'critical infrastructure'

Myth No. 6—We have an independent media that keeps the rulers accountable.  Our media outlets are funded by weapons contractors, big pharma, big banks, big oil and big, fat hard-on pills. (Sorry to go hard on hard-on pills, but we can’t get anything resembling hard news because it’s funded by dicks.) The corporate media’s jobs are to rally for war, cheer for Wall Street and froth at the mouth for consumerism. It’s their mission to actually fortify belief in the myths I’m telling you about right now. Anybody who steps outside that paradigm is treated like they’re standing on a playground wearing nothing but a trench coat. 
DYI:  The main stream media is a mouth piece for war mongering military/security industrial complex, elite bankers, big oil, and medical industrial complex along with rampant consumerism all wrap up in flag waving patriotism.

Fake news is now the mainstay of the media as a majority of the calamities are simply fabricated with the age old motto “If it bleeds it leads” to draw readers, listeners, or viewers all to generate ratings thus increasing ad revenues.  This is exampled by use of low rent 3rd rate CRISES ACTORS – who work cheap – providing the audience of how they lost their loved ones in the “latest never happened event” made for TV accident or criminal episode.  With the use of green or blue screen technology entertainers [reporters] no longer require travel, food and lodging expense to deliver the latest made up scare story.  Once that has been run through the fabricated news cycle it moves to basic media and if the event has enough legs with books and TV docudramas galore.

That is just the tip of the iceberg now that the Smith-Mundt Act has been modernized [repealed] it is legal for the Federal government to generate news or what is commonly called PROPAGANDA.  The main stream media now has the tax payers as a cash cow to deliver whatever political or economic narrative the elites desire using OUR MONEY while at the same time scaring the pants off of the unsuspecting and gullible.

Sane Progressive 02/16/2018  YouTube video regarding Smith-Mundt Act plus more.

Think that the fake news business is new?  Miles Mathis outed the staged, faked, hoaxed O.J Simpson episode. http://mileswmathis.com/oj.pdf  

Doctor Oz and the Majical Sandy Hook Bathroom Adult and 15 children were inside a bathroom of that size is impossible just another slip up by DHS propaganda machine at NOBODY DIED AT SANDY HOOK! 

Myth No. 5—We have an independent judiciary.  The criminal justice system has become a weapon wielded by the corporate state. This is how bankers can foreclose on millions of homes illegally and see no jail time, but activists often serve jail time for nonviolent civil disobedience. Chris Hedges recently noted, “The most basic constitutional rights … have been erased for many. … Our judicial system, as Ralph Nader has pointed out, has legalized secret law, secret courts, secret evidence, secret budgets and secret prisons in the name of national security.”
DYI:  Everything said above is true here is an example regarding vaccines.  If you are injured by a vaccine you do NOT sue the pharmaceutical company but the Federal government in a special court just for vaccinations.  If you win [and some do] the U.S. Taxpayer pays the reward but in order to receive the money a non disclosure statement must be signed.  Plus the courts records are sealed denying independent news hounds the ability to read the transcripts.  Well if vaccines are so damn safe why all of the protection for this industry.  For this blogger the jury is still out regarding vaccines as a whole.  However such as the flu vaccine is damn near worthless as they state in their own documents [if you care to take the time to read it] it is only effective 10% to 30% of the time [failing 70% to 90%].

Vaccine Court has paid 3.7 billion in damages to families

Myth No. 4—The police are here to protect you. They’re your friends.  The police in our country are primarily designed to do two things: protect the property of the rich and perpetrate the completely immoral war on drugs—which by definition is a war on our own people. 
We lock up more people than any other country on earth. Meaning the land of the free is the largest prison state in the world. So all these droopy-faced politicians and rabid-talking heads telling you how awful China is on human rights or Iran or North Korea—none of them match the numbers of people locked up right here under Lady Liberty’s skirt.

One winner under Trump: The private prison industry

DYI:  This not a swipe at Trump the for profit prison system has been building for decades and continues to grow.  Also so many of the services at Fed and State run prisons are farmed out to private contractors creating a back door of partial privatization.
A typical example of how private prisons are run if the prison is full but they have the ability to pull in an inmate with a much longer sentence then lo and behold an inmate with a much shorter time period remaining is PAROLED.  In other words for profits desire their hotel [prison] to have a “full house” with long term inmates maintaining a reliable long term profit stream.  These companies have lobbied Congress to maintain and/or increase harsh long term sentences for as many crimes as possible especially maintaining the on going drug war which has been so profitable for the security state.   
Myth No. 3—Buying will make you happy.  The dark truth is that we have to believe the myth that consuming is the answer or else we won’t keep running around the wheel. And if we aren’t running around the wheel, then we start thinking, start asking questions. Those questions are not good for the ruling elite, who enjoy a society based on the daily exploitation of 99 percent of us.
DYI:  I’ve seen people from all walks of life driven to show off level of wealth through the ownership of a house(s), car(s), vacations etc.  I not advocating that we all take an oath of poverty but living below one’s means [many say they do but don’t] is an excellent way to stay off the circular mouse exercise wheel of off to work I go because I owe and owe and owe.

The 50/20/30 Rule for Minimalist Budgeting

Image result for dave ramsey baby steps chart pictures
Myth No. 2—If you work hard, things will get better.  But nowadays, if you work at a café—will someone die if they don’t get their super-caf-mocha-frap-almond-piss-latte? I kinda doubt they’ll keel over from a blueberry scone deficiency. 
Myth No. 1—You are free.  Point is, in order to enforce this illogical, immoral system, the corrupt rulers—most of the time—don’t need guns and tear gas to keep the exploitation mechanisms humming along. 
All they need are some good, solid bullshit myths for us all to buy into, hook, line and sinker. Some fairy tales for adults.

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