Sunday, March 18, 2018


Time for the US to end democracy promotion flim-flams

Democracy promotion has long been one of the U.S. government’s favorite foreign charades. The Trump administration’s proposal to slash funding for democratic evangelism is being denounced as if it were the dawn of a new Dark Age. But this is a welcome step to draining a noxious swath of the Washington swamp. 
Nineteenth century humorist Josh Billings quipped, “A fanatic is some one who does what the Lord would do if He knew the facts of the matter.” Similarly, the U.S. government intervenes to rig elections in case foreign voters don’t know the facts of the matter. The U.S. has interfered — usually covertly — in more than 80 foreign elections since World War Two to boost its preferred candidates. 
Former CIA chief James Woolsey was asked last month on Fox News whether the U.S. government was continuing to meddle and “mess around in other people's elections?" Woolsey replied with a smile and said: "Only for a very good cause. In the interests of democracy." Obviously, democracy is ill-served if any U.S.-preferred candidate lose. 
Democracy often provides a vast improvement in governance in foreign lands but bribery, finagling, and bombing are poor ways to export freedom. Can Washington politicians and policy wonks explain why the U.S. government deserves veto power over elections everywhere else on Earth? If not, it is time to end the “we see further” claptrap.
DYI:  Amazing amount of truth coming out of The Hill [all articles especially of this sensitive nature MUST be approved by the CIA].  I’m wondering if there is a bit of a shift in foreign policy intervention techniques relying on social media platforms instead of the old fashion ballot box stuffing.  This endears Trump with his following [draining the swamp] and moves with the newer technologies to manage foreign elections all to the benefit of Washington DC and their respective elites.     

Democrats say they are seeking $300 million more for resources and manpower to counter foreign influence operations in the United States, “especially Russian operatives operating on our social media platforms.” They also call for an unspecified but “substantial” increase in funding for the Department of Homeland Security and the Election Assistance Commission’s work with state and local governments to bolster the security of election infrastructure, including voter databases and voting machines.
DYI:  The Federal government has zero jurisdictions in matters regarding elections. The Constitution has stated if it is NOT enumerated in the body of the text the 10th Amendment is in force thereby in the case of voting is a State jurisdiction and/or the people.  Bottom line when it comes to voting methods and procedures this is clearly a State matter.  At best this is a Federal government power grab and worst through the use of electronic voting machine vote rigging can be accomplished on a massive scale.  This was passed in the House of Representatives by overwhelming majority of BOTH parties now the legislation moves to the Senate and don’t be surprised if it passes overwhelmingly as well.  Will Trump veto this clearly unconstitutional legislation?  Don’t hold your breath it could kill you right along with our Republic.

And by the way this bill has NOTHING to do with the Russians or any other foreign power meddling in our elections; – problem – reaction – solution.  Create a problem – real of faked – push it hard to get a reaction – and then impose a solution favorable to those in power.

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