Friday, March 30, 2018


Oligarch-Owned Media Outlets Really, REALLY Want You To Love George W Bush

These oligarch-owned media outlets are working to make the public support George W Bush for the same reason they did so after 9/11: 
because wars are planned, 
and the oligarchs stand to benefit from them. 
The US-centralized empire is built on and sustained by endless warfare. Without endless warfare, the foundation that the US oligarchy is built upon would vanish as America is forced to develop a real economy that isn’t propped up with the barrel of a gun, and the oligarchic kingdoms would collapse. This is why nearly all US media is owned by billionaires and dominated by plutocrat-funded foreign policy think tanks. 
This is also why liberal and conservative mainstream media outlets always unite in approval when it is time for war. 
And now that everyone has forgotten the horrors of the Iraq invasion and a new generation of soldiers is coming of age, they are ready to start ramping up the action again. 
We are now being pummeled with relentless narratives about what Russia, Iran, North Korea and Syria 
are up to, all with basically as much evidence as we were given for Saddam Hussein having weapons of mass destruction, and all serving the agendas of the US-centralized empire to disrupt geopolitical rivals to avoid post-primacy and the rise of a multipolar world.

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