Thursday, March 22, 2018

The People’s Enemies
In order to rally people, governments need enemies; they want us to be afraid, to hate, to rally behind them.  And if they do not have a real enemy; invent one in order to mobilize us!
Nhat Hanh

DYI:  Just as the planets rotate the sun the 911 propaganda revolves 2,996 people losing their lives.  This is the psychological lynch pin; the driving force behind all of the Middle Eastern wars.  If that fails the American public attention will focus on the absurdity and wastefulness of soldiers [4,424 deaths] and [$2.4 trillion] tax dollars.

 When a well package web of lies has been sold to the masses;
 TRUTH will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic!

The TRUTH in this web of lies becomes the raving lunatic for on that day of September 11, 2001 NO ONE DIED!

If you can deliver the same amount of propaganda

Without killing anyone;
 Why deal with all of the mess?

Controlling a psychological propaganda event many variables are beyond the controllers grasp; deaths compound the problem possibly beyond their ability to manipulate and control.  When real deaths occur the psychological operation converts to high risk to the controllers.  911 was a low risk propaganda [zero deaths] operation.

Occam’s Razor

The term Occam's razor refers to the philosophical idea or scientific principle that of any given set of explanations for an event occurring, it is most likely that the simplest one is the correct one.

Nobody got killed or injured. 911 was a controlled demolition, the towers were empty and evacuated just like any other controlled demolition. All the footage we saw was faked using CGI, green screen and whatever else the wizard of Hollywood has at its disposal.

All the so called victims are fake and fabricated and the lack of Social Security Death Index records proves that. If ANYONE says they personally had family or friends die that day they are a LIAR and a government SHILL. 

Since Hollywood plays a BIG role in this they make a lot of movies showing and telling you how things work. The movie "The Truman Show", Wizard of Oz, the Matrix; go and Google search “The Lone Gunman” it came out March 4 2001 about 6 months prior to 911 about a commercial aircraft that was high jacked by a computer program and it was going to crash into the WTC towers. Now this is no coincidence.

Since 911 were perpetrated by Hollywood using media fakery it’s easy for them to be a prophet of things to come. Just like in one of the Simpson’s episodes where Maggie is holding a magazine with a picture of the towers and it said 911. No coincidence that Neo’s passport in the movie the Matrix expired on 09/11/2001. I could go on and on. But I think you get the picture [sorry for the pun].
I humbly suggest the plutocrats' only hope is to back slowly out of this corner they have painted themselves into. The rulers can avoid a revolution and avoid the dark future they see for them selves, but only by reversing the gears. If, like the Grinch, they turn the sled around and bring the toys and roast beast back to Whoville, I daresay the gormless Whos may forget to hang them for it, especially if they do it silently and with no fanfare.

None of that wicked “philanthropy”, mind you. Just quit stealing and hoarding and start giving back. Stop lying and start telling the truth. Stop destroying and start cleaning up. Stop buying fake art and science and start buying real art and science. Stop producing fake food and start producing real food. Stop making us miserable on purpose and then selling us dangerous drugs for our miseries. If you do this, you may be able to stop sleeping on a pile of coins surrounded by bodyguards and start sleeping in a real bed. And someday you may be able to meet your maker without him spitting in your face. You may avoid him returning you to the Earth for a hundred life times as a field mouse, in field of hungry hawks!
DYI:  Now we are saddled with one after another fake as hell school shooting or bombing [no one died].  We see through all of this nonsense and know it is nothing more than a hoax.  Instead of us galloping off to war now it is for a corporate money grab unnecessarily mandating [if passed by Congress] metal detectors, scanners, CCTV networks, security services etc. for schools, Colleges, hospitals, stadiums, etc.  One of the companies a possible recipient of this largess is OSI Systems, Inc.  Are we seeing nothing more than a corporate stock swindle?  Considering the over all corruption anything is possible.

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