Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Bernie Baby
Please go and drop dead
(Of natural causes of course)
“So I don’t think the issue here isn’t that we can’t address this problem, i think we can, I think we know exactly what has to be done, and that is massive investment in sustainable energy, massive investments in energy efficiency, transform our transportation system, we know what has to be done, but the problem is the lack of political will,” he said. 
“We know that the scientific consensus is here, [BS Bernie; see the chart below...warming and cooling has been with the planet for thousands of years]  the solutions are right in front of us but...this is not just a scientific crisis, not just an environmental crisis, a climate crisis but this is a political crisis of inaction, and it’s going to take political will, political courage in order for us to treat us this issue with the urgency that the next generation needs in order for us to preserve our way of life and preserve our planet as much as we possibly can," she said.
 Image result for little ice age chart pictures


Big cool down by 2020

“We should remember that the Earth’s coldest periods have usually followed excessive warmth. Such was the case when our planet moved from the Medieval Warm Period between 900 and 1300 A.D. to the sudden ‘Little Ice Age,’ which peaked in the 17th Century. Since 2,500 B.C., there have been at least 78 major climate changes worldwide, including two major changes in just the past 40 years.
DYI:  Bernie I know you are working for the elites of the world in order to empty the American treasury.  Bogus programs just so the elites will be able to steal American tax dollars.  You are nothing but an ageing flim flam man attempting to bamboozle the American public so please either shut up or go and drop dead – of course by natural causes.  Better yet go and get a REAL JOB.  WOW!  What a concept!

Remember Climategate???  What was exposed a vast array of international scientific fraud all to further the Global Warming bull crap.  When caught red handed these so called scientist destroyed their original source data.  They had no stomach for a REAL peer review highlighting their attempted scam.

What causes the climate to change??  Simple volcanoes and sun spot activity.  For sometime the planet has little of either – recently sun spot activity has tampered off – when volcanoes start erupting consistently and sun spot activity falls off climate cooling occurs.  And of course if the opposite occurs the planet will go on a warming trend.  Sorry Bernie it has nothing to do with man and his machines [or cow farts]; so go and crawl back under the rock from where you came and leave us Americans [and the world as well] ALONE!

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